
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Waiting On Wednesday (150)

This is a meme hosted by Breaking the Spine where every Wednesday bloggers highlight a book that they are eagerly anticipating the release of!

The Opposite of Love
By Sarah Lynn Scheerger
Release Date: September 1, 2014
Summary: Rose is the wild girl nobody really knows. Chase is haunted by his past. Both are self-proclaimed "disappointments," attracted to each other enough to let down their defenses. When Rose's strict, adoptive parents forbid the relationship it only makes things more intense. But Chase can't hide from his own personal demons, and Rose has secrets of her own. After they're wrenched apart, a cryptic email arrives in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve, beginning a desperate pursuit and a look back over their tumultuous romance. Will they find each other before the night is over, or will they be torn apart forever?


This book sounds so cute! I love how both of the main characters aren't really understood by the world around them, yet they can really open up to each other. And a forbidden relationship? You know things will get even more interesting then! And what's with all of the secrecy? I am so intrigued with this novel and all of the elements that build of Rose and Chase's story, so I definitely can't wait for it to come out! 


  1. Such a cute cover! it sounds like a great book. Adding it to my TBR !

    Here's My WoW

  2. The covers familiar, can't remember where I saw it though, haha. But it's cute. :)

    Here's mine

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

  3. This one does sound really really good. Plus that cover is so darling!

    My WoW

  4. Nice pick! Not really my kind of read but still hope you love it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)
