
Friday, July 25, 2014

Follow My Book Blog Friday (145)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: What is your favorite tv series you could watch over and over again on Netflix? 

Answer: Okay, well I have three favorites. And while not all of them are on Netflix, I could literally watch them over and over and over again


My sister and I have seen every single episode of Friends multiple times and it never gets old. Then, we always watch Grey's Anatomy whenever it's on TV. I haven't seen every episode, but I've seen so many throughout all of the seasons that I can pick it up anywhere and understand what's going on. Lastly, I have been obsessed with Gossip Girl. I've been trying to finish the entire series all summer and have finally made it to near the end of season three of five! It's just so addicting! 


  1. Never loved Friends, but I was severly addicted to Gossip Girl. I spent an entire winter watching more than 4 episodes per day, even if it started to become quite boring at last. I was satisfied with the ending though.
    Grey's Anatomy it's just amazing, as you did, I watched randomly some episodes but now I have decided that I will follow the series decently from season 7 ^^

    New e-mail subscriber
    my post

  2. Hopping through. I was really into all those shows for a long time. Especially Grey's Anatomy. Addicting
    My FF

  3. Nice! I occasionally like watching Friends repeats! Especially the older seasons. I think it's like in the third season, my mom and I share a fave episode for its two different parts! I like when Rachel's reading the Shining and Joey reads Little Women and then they basically get into a fight and reveal spoilers! While at the same time that is when Phoebe dates a guy who doesn't wear underwear, especially when biking--or only when biking?! That part was what my mom always laughed at! Lots of good episodes really!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. I neeeeeed to watch gossip girl. All that yumminess! New follower!
    My FF :

  5. I used to watch Gossip Girl, but never finished it. I recently binge watched all but the last season of Grey's Anatomy! :)

    Just followed via email! :)

    Here's my FF!

  6. I haven't watched any of these, but I'm a new follower all the same!
    Here is my #FF

  7. I love Grey's Anatomy and Gossip Girl too. :) Seen a couple of episodes of Friends when I was in Sydney, but that's about it. ^_^

    New follower via gfc.
