
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Book Review: Straddling the Line by Jaci Burton

Straddling the Line (Play by Play #8)
By Jaci Burton
Release Date: July 1, 2014
Source: Publisher
Summary: Trevor Shay has it all—a successful football and baseball career, and any woman he wants. But when he finds out his college mentor’s daughter is in trouble, he drops everything to come to her aid.

Haven Briscoe has finally landed a dream job as a sportscaster for a major network. But she hasn’t been able to move past the recent death of her beloved father, and it’s affecting her career. A plum assignment following the daily life of sports superstar Trevor Shay might be just the inspiration she needs…

Trevor will do anything to spark life back into Haven, including letting her into every aspect of his world. The chemistry between them flames higher than one of Trevor’s home runs and faster than his dashes to the end zone. But as they grow closer, Haven stumbles onto Trevor’s closely guarded secret, one he’s hidden his entire life. And despite his protests, now it’s Haven’s turn to put everything on hold to help Trevor. Will he let her in and trust her with a secret that could blow his professional and personal world apart?

Review: I love sports. I love romance books. So whoever invented sports romance books is an absolute genius. And you know what's more genius? Creating a main character who plays both football and baseball. Oh, and he just so happens to be super charming and caring to everyone in his life. Can you say yum? 

Trevor Shay is used to being the best. Playing both professional baseball and football, there's really nothing Trevor can't do. But he didn't get there alone, so when the wife of his college dorm parent and close friend who recently passed away asks for help in helping her daughter get over her grief, Trevor attempts to do as she asks. Haven is ready to quit her job and move home after her father passes away, but when the interview of a lifetime comes her way, she knows she has to complete the job. This means, though, becoming reacquainted with her college crush and spending countless hours getting into the innermost private details of his life. While Trevor never saw her as anything special in college, Haven has grown up to be a woman that challenges him and makes him want to share things he's never shared with anyone before. 

This book definitely starts out on a serious note. Haven has recently lost her father and Trevor requests Haven to conduct the exclusive interview on him that he's refused to give for the past 8 years, ever since he became a professional player in both baseball and football. Trevor has some secrets he doesn't want coming out, so the media has never had that much access to his life. Haven's father, though, seemed like such an influential man that he was still affecting the lives of both his daughter and the young men he mentored in college. I love how Haven's dad is the a uniting factor between Haven and Trevor, even though he isn't around anymore. 

In the beginning, Trevor and Haven seemed too stiff when I know they were supposed to already have warmed up to each other. Since their relationship revolved around Haven's interview on Trevor, their constant talk and questions seemed a bit forced and not as natural as I wanted it to be. As we got more into their lives and they spent more time toying with each other, though, I really enjoyed their relationship. Haven became more flirty and daring, which I thought made their relationship a lot more fun. Haven may have been shy in college and not made a move on the hot shot Trevor, but now she's not letting the opportunity pass again. I love how she gains more confidence in herself and Trevor is able to open up more and more to her. They actually start to become friends and I loved every moment they spent together. Fun events like the scavenger hunt and hanging out after games definitely made their journey towards loving each other even more entertaining. 

Once you get over the slow beginning, you'll find yourself wrapped up in the dual sports world of Trevor and Haven. Haven shows how women have an important place in the sports world and can tame stud professional players like Trevor. Once again, Jaci Burton delivers heat and real emotion both on and off the field, creating an irresistible romance with even more irresistible men.

1 comment:

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