
Friday, June 27, 2014

Follow My Book Blog Friday (142)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: Post a photo of your favorite coffee mug (or mugs if you can't choose one)!

Answer: Well, I guess it's about time you guys learned this little secret about me. I'm obsessed with mugs. If I see a cute one, I immediately want it, even though I already have too many mugs at home. At this point, most of my mugs serve as pure decoration since I don't really use them to drink from (sorry, not a coffee drinker…yet). So I picked out some of my favorites and here they are

I managed to narrow it down to my six favorite mugs, so you guys should be proud! The squirrel mug and the Friends Central Perk mug were both gifts from my wonderful sister who just knows me too well. Then, I got the Pride and Prejudice Penguin mug and the Westminster Abbey mug while I was in London. My Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle mug was only $5 from TJ Maxx and as soon as I saw it by the register, there was no question that I had to own it. Lastly, my "You are my cup of tea mug" that's on the end is from Target! Don't even get me started on Target's mugs…they're way too addicting! But those are all my favorite mugs! Do you have any favorite mugs you use over and over again? Or are your favorite mugs on display in your home? 


  1. I love ALL your mugs
    Oh your cup looks so pretty! Here's mine

    By the way, I'm a new follower VIA GFC
    Christine @ Bibliophilic Madness

  2. Oh I absolutely LOVE the Central Perk mug! My fiance and I watch Friends usually every night as we're laying in bed! I love it!

    Tina @ Pages of Comfort - follower via bloglovin
    My FF

  3. They're all so cute! My favorite is the one on the far left, though I'm not 100% sure what it is... Haha! New follower via Bloglovin' and Twitter! Here's my FF!

  4. Hopping through. Lovely mug. Especially the Pride and Prejudice one.
    My FF

  5. I love the TMNT and the Central Perk mug.

    Old Follower

    My Feature&Follow

  6. Dude that TMNT mug is amazing! I <3 it!

    Here's my My FF
