
Friday, June 6, 2014

Follow My Book Blog Friday (139)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: What are your non-book guilty pleasures? 

Answer: Well, I have lots of guilty pleasures! They include


I bake pretty much all the time and love finding new recipes to try out! The other day I made Nutella White Chocolate Chip Cookies and they were so good. No surprise that they were all gone by the next day! I started making macaroons about two years ago and they are so much fun to make! While it may get frustrating when they don't turn out well, when they do, it's the best feeling. Not to mention they're super delicious! 


I watch quite a bit of reality TV, including Keeping Up the Kardashians, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Hell's Kitchen, Millionaire Matchmaker, and my all-time favorite The Bachelorette. I have been a die hard Bachelor/Bachelorette fan since I started to watch DeAnna's season back in 2008. Now, I am obsessively watching Andi's season and, of course, already have my favorite ;) Bachelor season is always the best time of the year! 


I love finding new DIY projects on Pinterest and making my room much more colorful. I recently made painted mason jars and I'm always knitting/crocheting a new project. Right now, I've been working on crocheting a chevron afghan for the past 8 months and it's coming along! I only work on it every once in awhile, but it looks pretty so far with it's pink, blue, black, and white chevron pattern. If you don't find me with my head in a book, I probably have some knitting needles in my hand! 


  1. Wish I liked baking more but never been a very good cook. Not a huge reality TV fan..I am more of the Crime, Suspense, Action kind of TV :) I do like shows like Hotel Impossible or Kitchen Nightmares..but don't watch them much. :)

    Have a great weekend,

  2. Oh man, now I want a cookie again! I like to bake as well, but don't do it too much since I want to eat what I bake, which is usually something sweet and totally unhealthy for me!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Hopping through. I really need to get back into knitting. I used to love it.
    My FF

  4. Great guilty pleasures. I'm an existing follower.
    Diane @ Diane's Book Blog

  5. I think we have similar guilty pleasures! Hopping on through, new follower.

    Jen @ Ink on the Shelf

  6. I love baking too - those Macaroons look awesome!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
