
Monday, May 5, 2014

Weekly Roundup [4/29-5/5]

Happy May! I can't believe it's finally here! May is a month that is filled with some wonderful things: Mother's Day, my mom's birthday, and the start of SUMMER! I definitely started May off with a bang by running the Cap City Half Marathon on Saturday. It was cold and rained a bit, but it was so much fun! I ended up finishing the 13.1 mile race in 1:45. I've been training for the past five months, so I am very proud of my time. By the time mile 12 finally came, I was definitely ready to call it quits, but I finished it through and came out with a phenomenal time. I ran it almost 20 minutes faster than I did two years ago! That's definitely some great improvement. This week is the final week of classes for me, then it's two days of exams and I'm home free! Literally, haha. I'll be heading home for the entire summer! I'm definitely looking forward to reading anything and everything possible over the next three classless months. I've fallen behind on my Goodreads goal these past couple of weeks as the semester has been absolutely crazy with all of the work for the end of classes. When the semester is finally over, though, I'll be able to catch up and lose myself in some amazing books I'm hoping to finally get into. I can't wait!

Book Reviews
A Beautiful Distraction by Kelsie Leverich
Summer on the Short Bus by Bethany Crandell


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