
Monday, May 26, 2014

Book Review: Mended by Kim Carr

Mended (Connections #3)
By Kim Karr
Release Date: June 3, 2014
Source: Publisher
Summary: Always in control, Xander Wilde considered life on the road to be a perfect fit for him. But when disaster strikes on the Wilde Ones’ latest tour, fate intervenes…and a newly single Ivy Taylor, the only girl he has ever loved, steps back into his life.

After moving past her painful breakup with Xander years ago, Ivy was poised to become the next big name in pop music…when suddenly she withdrew from the limelight—the same day she announced her engagement to her controlling agent, Damon Wolf.

Xander knows he should keep his distance. But once they’re on the road, he can’t resist pursuing her for a second chance. Yet a jealous Damon can’t let her go—and he’s keeping dangerous secrets that could destroy them all. 

When the three of them come together, everything falls apart. But if Xander and Ivy can hold tight to the bond that connects them, they just might have a chance at reclaiming the powerful love they thought they had lost forever.

Review: When I first picked up this book, I expected more of River and Dahlia's story. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the third book in the Connections series actually focused on Xander, River's older brother, and his relationship with his ex high school girlfriend and singer Ivy. I was excited to get to know Xander, who we only had a glimpse of in the previous books, and learn more about what made him so serious. 

Xander Wilde takes no risks in life and likes everything under his control as he manages his brother's band. But when his brother has to pull out of their tour, a blast from his past shows up and Ivy Taylor steps in to sing for the band. Xander broke Ivy's heart when they were 18, but all of those years apart have done nothing to Xander's feelings for her. Ivy has tried to move on with music agent Damon Wolf, but his controlling ways drive Ivy to going on tour and rediscovering her strong feelings for Xander. But Damon doesn't want to let her go that easily and Xander and Ivy have to put their relationship to the ultimate test. 

Wow, I absolutely loved River and Dahlia's story, but Xander manages to follow up with an enticing story of his own. I loved how Xander and Ivy had an intense history that hinders their relationship, even 12 years later. There were some intense moments they had shared in the past, and it's pretty hard to forget them as they reconnect on their tour. When they finally meet again, there's no way they can just pick up where they left off. Through flashbacks, we're shown their history throughout the novel as we follow them now as they try to trust each other again and see if they can at least rekindle a friendship as their attraction to each other comes racing back. 

As always, I loved the music aspect of this series. I fell in love with SC Stephens' Thoughtless series, and Kim Karr's Connections series is the perfect story to move on to. Ivy is the lead singer of their band and it's fun to see how powerful she is with her music, yet vulnerable she is with Xander. Being on tour added a fun twist to their story and a lot of drama as their traveling from place to place and forced to be around each other, even when they don't want to. 

While we have a different couple in this one, you just can't go wrong with the Wilde men. I understood Xander so much more in this one and loved him just as much as I did River in the first two novels. I am beyond excited to finally follow Bell's story in the fourth book and discover more about who the third Wilde child really is. September can't come soon enough!

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