
Saturday, May 10, 2014

Book Review + Giveaway: Make You Mine by Macy Beckett

Make You Mine
By Macy Beckett
Release Date: May 6, 2014
Source: Publisher
Summary: For ninety-nine years, every man in the Dumont family has remained a perpetual bachelor. Residents of Cedar Bayou, Louisiana, whisper about a voodoo hex cast upon the family, sabotaging each man’s chance at marriage. In truth, the Dumont men have their own player personalities to blame, and Marc is no exception. As captain of his family’s riverboat, he’s broken hearts up and down the Mississippi. That is, until his high school crush strolls onboard... 

Allie Mauvais rocks the boat when she fills in as pastry chef. She hasn’t seen Marc since senior year, when rumors flew that her great-great-grandmother was the one who cursed the Dumonts. After two weeks on the water, neither can deny the attraction that still burns between them. But to truly reach Marc’s heart, Allie must show him that the hex isn’t real, and it’ll take more than her mouthwatering sweets to prove it. Will Allie’s love be enough to finally make Marc hers?

Review: Why do books have to continue being so gosh darn cute? Haha, I absolutely loved this book! Not only does the main character bake, which I happen to love doing as well, but the romance was just too good not to love!

For the past 99 years, no Dumont man has ever married thanks to a curse the Mauvis women placed upon them. Marc Dumont is finally the captain of his family's vessel Belle and it seems like nothing can go right. When his pastry chef gets the German measles, Allie Mauvis is more than ready to come aboard and take on the job to gain more exposure for her bakery. Marc is far from thrilled, but two weeks aboard his ship with the woman he's had a crush on for the past 9 years makes it hard to resist her. As soon as they start exploring their feelings for each other, though, even more things on the ship go wrong and Marc is convinced the curse will never let him and Allie be together…

Okay, so the curse thing had me a bit weary in the beginning. I like my contemporary romances nice and realistic, not full of weird paranormal elements. However, the curse was kind of an unknown entity the entire time, if it really existed or if it was just in the Dumont men's heads, subconsciously ruining any hope at having a serious relationship. I thought it was so cute, then, how worried Marc was about his feelings for Allie. Not only did he have to worry about the repercussions from his family about liking and Mauvis woman, but also he had to worry about the repercussions from the "curse" on his beloved business. Either way, the curse definitely provided one entertaining story!

The best part of this book, though, was definitely the characters. I loved Allie and how she tried to be strong with all of the stigma from society for her family's "abilities," but she is only human so it's hard to take all of the harsh judgement without letting it get you down. Marc tries to be stubborn, but he's definitely a softy when it came Allie because he finally sees her as a real person who does have feelings and isn't as strong as she appears. Then, I loved how Marc's siblings all worked on the ship with him. Ella was such an awesome person (who wouldn't want to be best friends with her?), Nick and Alex were fun additions, and Worm was, well, Worm. There's so much more substance to a book that has secondary characters who can hold their own, and Make You Mine had the best cast of characters that kept the story interesting and lovable. 

Overall, I absolutely loved Make You Mine. The author definitely had some fun with words by her witty dialogue and fun use of puns when her characters would banter. I love it when the story has some funny moments and this one definitely did. Oh, and the romance wasn't too bad either! Overall, Make You Mine is the perfect contemporary romance to spend the day getting lost in the world of where a captain and a pastry chef overcome their pasts and finally let each other in. I absolutely can't wait to find out what happens in the next book between Beau and Devyn! Even more great writing from Macy Beckett? Yes, please!

One lucky reader will get to win a copy of Make You Mine by Macy Beckett! Just fill out the rafflecopter below! ***US Only*** Ends 5/17

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