
Monday, March 31, 2014

Weekly Roundup [3/25-3/31]

How can it be Monday already? Sadly, my Spring Break has officially ended, so it's back to school for me. Having this week off was so nice, but I have a ton of projects, papers, and homework to get back to. The good news, though, is that there's only about 6-7 weeks left of classes left before summer! Woo hoo! Knowing that it's almost over makes it much more bearable. Also, what's up with that snow that came down on Saturday? It's Spring! Last time I checked, Spring did not include snow. I'm so ready for this cold, snowy weather to finally stop and for warmer weather to finally get here. I guess I'll just have to read more books set on the beach and live vicariously through the characters, dreaming of the sun shining on my face and finally not having to wear a jacket outside...

Book Reviews
Torn by Kim Karr
Kissing In Italian by Lauren Henderson

Movie Reviews


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