
Monday, March 3, 2014

Weekly Roundup [2/25-3/3]

Can you guys believe it's already March? Where did February go? I've got to say, I am beyond excited for Spring to come in and this Winter weather to just go away already. Single digit temperatures again? Really? We better be done with this weather after this weak or I swear I'm going to move to Hawaii or something and never have to deal with the cold again. Haha, I wish! The only good thing about these cold temperatures is that I have an excuse to hole up in my apartment and spend my weekends watching Netflix and reading books. Which is pretty much all I've done the past couple of days! I was able to watch some cute Marilyn Monroe movies and devour Wuthering Heights. I'd say it was a very well spent weekend :)

Book Reviews
Fates by Lanie Bross
Second Chance Boyfriend by Monica Murphy
Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Movie Reviews



1 comment:

  1. Awesome book month you had. Here's my monthly wrap up:

    Have a good week.
