
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Things On My Bookish Bucket List

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Top Ten Things On My Bookish Bucket List

1. Read the entire A Game of Thrones series by George RR Martin
I am so obsessed with this show and have had the first book for awhile now. I'm dying to read the series to know what happens next because the wait is just killing me!

2. When I have my own house, have an entire room dedicated to my library
I would love to have floor to ceiling bookshelves filled to the brim with books. With a cozy chair tucked in a corner, this room would be heaven to me. 

3. Go to BEA
I am so jealous of everyone who gets to go to BEA. I haven't gone yet, but would absolutely love for the chance to go one year! Maybe it'll happen next year? We'll see!

4. Read all of Nicholas Sparks's books
This has been a goal of mine for awhile, but I actually only have two more of his books to read! So close, yet I just can't seem to find the time to sit down and read them. Hopefully I can finish this goal soon! It seems like the most likely goal to actually be completed…

5. Meet Nicholas Sparks
I would die if I had the chance to meet Nicholas Sparks. He has been one of my favorite authors pretty much forever. Come to Ohio, please! 

6. Meet any of my favorite authors
I've never even met an author I really adore. Or any author for that matter. I'd love for the chance to meet someone who I've read and loved. 

7. Reach 2,000 GFC followers
I'm not too obsessed with my followers or stats or anything, but it'd be so great if I could reach 2,000 GFC followers on my little old blog! 

8. Read Gone With the Wind
I bought myself a copy of this book over the summer, but I can never get myself to actually sit down and read the thing. It's so long and it's a pretty daunting book. Hopefully I'll have the opportunity to read it soon. 

9. Take part in a read-a-thon
I've wanted to do a read-a-thon pretty much since I've started blogging. Whenever they happen, though, I'm either busy or don't find out about them until they've already started. This summer, it's one of my goals to finally do one!

10. Read for an entire day
This one is kind of linked to the read-a-thon, but I'd love to spend an entire day reading. I'd only take breaks to go to the bathroom or get something to eat. I'd read from the moment I wake up, while I eat, to the moment I go to sleep. Doesn't that sounds like pure bliss? 


  1. Great list! You have to read A Song of Ice and Fire. The books elaborate on so many things that the show doesn't have time to explain. They're phenomenal. I hope you read and enjoy.

  2. Oh! I have always wanted to go to BEA ever since I found out about it. Every year when I see other bloggers posting recaps of it I get so jealous!

  3. I had read The Game Of Thrones books on my list too! I am addicted to the TV series! great list! :)

  4. Awesome list. I would love to read Game of Thrones too but I don't know. I mean can barely handle all the death on the show, imagine actually reading about it. Good luck =)

    Here's our TTT
    Doris @ OABR

  5. Oh nice! I forgot to mention in my post that I need a reading/library room in my future house as well. And I soooo want to go to BEA one day too! Seeing that a lot! We all need to coordinate and being roomies!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Glad to see I'm not the only one that's jealous of everyone going to BEA lol Great picks!

    Here's My TTT

  7. Readathons are awesome!! :) :) And I want to read Game of thrones too :) :)

  8. I STILL haven't read Gone With the Wind. I feel like such a slacker because it's such a must-read! I love that this was a Top Ten Tuesday - I hope you come by and link it up to the Original Bookish Bucket List, too!
