
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Stacking the Shelves (94)

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

From Giveaway

Two awesome books that I won in giveaways came in the mail this week! I won Dash of Peril by Lori Foster from Bookish Andrea's Twitter. Thanks so much, Andrea, for this yummy looking book! I also won A Million Guilty Pleasures by CL Parker from Romance at Random. I've got some great romance reading ahead of me! 

From my Mom

My mom, sister, and I went to Giant Eagle yesterday and saw that all of their bargain books were 75% off their lowest price. Being the bookworms that we are, we all got super excited and dug through the pile. There wasn't too great of a selection (it never is when you have both Justin Bieber biographies in the mix), but there was a copy of Fated for only $1! My mom, being the amazing mother she is, got it for me! I loved Alyson Noel's Evermore series, so I'm excited to read this one!

That's it for me! What did you all add to your shelves this week? 


  1. I bough Fated almost a year ago, but I still haven't gotten around it. :/ It seems promising, though! I hope we both get the chance to read it soon. :) Happy reading and have a great weekend!

  2. Love finding discounted books! Sometimes you really do have to dig for something good, though.

    Beneath the Jacket Reviews

  3. Great books for you this week! Fated has a great cover. I hope you enjoy your new books!!
    Brittany @ Spare Time Book blog
    My STS:

  4. I also picked up Lori Foster's book. Happy reading!

    Tsuki’s STS

  5. Aww, that is so nice of your mom to buy Fated for you! I've read a few of Noel's books, but I haven't heard much about this series of hers. I hope you enjoy all of your new books, Jessica!

    Have a fantastic weekend!

    Check out my STS post!

  6. Great book haul! And I just can't help but mention The Vampire Diaries on the side! I don't really watch it, but my friends are all crazy about this show. :)

    Cindy @ In This World of Books..

  7. I keep meaning to buy a copy of Fated but forget. Thanks for reminding me it exists, ha!

    ★ Under The Mountain is Un-Stacking Her Shelves ★

  8. Bargain books are the best. Enjoy your new reads! My STS

  9. Great haul, enjoy! BTW you have a new follower + sent a request on GR :)

    OUT's STS

    Leydy from OUAT & RCE

  10. Sadly the genres I read never turn up in any kind of sales near me! Still, at least most are reasonably priced online so I can't complain too much. Enjoy your books!

  11. Love it when you get a bargain! I really enjoyed Fated and hope you do too :)

    My StS .
    Zareena @ Books and Books

  12. Nice haul! I hear a lot of great things about Noel's books but have yet to read any, I keep getting tempted to borrow them from work though. I hope you enjoy all of your books :) My STS.
