
Friday, March 14, 2014

Follow My Book Blog Friday (127)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: Spring is in the air! Show off your favorite outdoors reading spot. If you don't go outside…well where else do you read that isn't your house? We want pics! 

Answer: Oh my gosh, where do I not read? I never actually go somewhere to specifically read outside of my home, but I do read anywhere I might have to wait, whether it's before class, in the car (when I'm not driving of course), or before a group meeting. That's the reason why I always, always have a book with me no matter what!

There is one spot, though, where I have gone a few times with the purpose to just sit there and read. That place is the coffee shop Uptown (that's what we call the downtown area of Oxford) called Kofenya. It's super cute and has cozy couches and chairs that remind me of Central Perk from Friends

And that's as crazy as I get when it comes to reading outside of my house for an extended amount of time. Other than that, you'll find me with my nose in a book before pretty much every single one of my classes. Haha, why would I waste such precious minutes when I'm in the middle of such a great book?!? Oh the problems of a book blogger...


  1. Wooow! That looks sooo cozy. I wish I got such a nice place to read.


    My FFF

  2. As long as you're comfortable, any place is a great place to read right? Nice spot!!
    New follower via bloglovin and GFC

  3. I'm the same way! I always have a book with me :) I read at work on breaks, in my car (which I recently did while waiting in line for a car wash - took forever!), and I used to read when I took the bus to class. Great post (:

    Tina @ Pages of Comfort - old follower
    My FF

  4. Looks like the perfect place to get some peace and quiet!!
    new bloglovin friend
    Follow Me FF
    <3 :-)
    Brittany @ Please Feed The Bookworm

  5. Yeah I read wherever I can as well! My main spot is just on top of my bed, propped up with pillows. It's cozy! But I read anywhere as well. Was even known to read walking through the halls headed to class in high school...for those times when I HAD to finish a chapter! ;)

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)
