
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Will Make You Cry

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week! 

This Week's Topic: Top Ten Books That Will Make You Cry

I don't cry very often when I read books. If I cry, the book I'm reading has to be a very, very emotional book. And even when I cry during a book, it's more of a subtle crying…

Because I'm usually around people while I'm reading and must exhibit some self control. But when I'm alone and the book is THAT GOOD, I'll bawl like a baby…

But that's VERY rare. Honestly, there's only one book I remember ever really, really crying when I was reading it, and that was The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. When Jonah finds out his dad was going to die, I started crying so hard. It was so sad! But that's probably the only book that has really made me cry. Then, there are those where a couple of tears have escaped. Here are the books…

1. The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks
2. A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks
3. The Fault In Our Stars by John Green 

5. Dar John by Nicholas Sparks

Sorry, I could only come up with 6, not 10, for this one. I guess that just goes to show you how rare it is for me to cry in a book!


  1. I still have to read TFIOS before the movie comes out. I was going to list The Notebook and Message in a Bottle by Sparks, but I read them so long ago I can barely remember them.

    Great list!! Here is my TTT:

  2. The Last Song is incredibly sad. I forgot to add it to my list, but it definitely is a tearjerker!

  3. Nicholas Sparks ALWAYS gets to me! HP is also on my list (: I own Charlie St Cloud, haven't read it, but loved the movie - so I'm sure it will make me cry as well (:
    Tina @ Pages of Comfort
    My Top Ten

  4. Oh, that Nicholas Sparks always gets you where you're vulnerable... but I haven't really read any of his work, specifically for that reason! :) Snaps to Harry Potter and The Fault in Our Stars. They were on my list, too, as well as, well, everybody else's, too! Great list!

  5. Nice picks! Truthfully, I do the slightly watery eyed cry myself when reading. Because yeah I get absorbed in the story, grow to love the characters, but a part of me still knows it's just a book. But there are definite watery eyes which is basically crying!

    I chose Harry Potter 7 too! Along with 5 & 6. And I almost chose A Walk to Remember that was my only Nicholas Sparks book because even back then I wanted to read paranormal and there wasn't any to be had, so I did turn to contemps!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. I have never read 'A Walk to Remember' but I can watch 45 seconds of the movie (ANY part) and just start crying because I know where it is all going. It makes me nervous to read the book, haha. I'm also not a big book cryer! I will have tears sting my eyes a little bit, but very rarely do tears actually fall!

  7. I'm not a huge fan of Nicholas Sparks, but I definitely cried during A Walk to Remember. And yes yes yes on Deathly Hallows and TFiOS. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Great picks. I also picked Deathly Hallows, I pretty much cry from beginning to end. My TTT :)

  9. I love Dear John and Charlie St. Cloud! They are both on my to keep until the end of time bookshelf and will read more than once! Good picks!

  10. Great list!! I was bawling like a baby when I read the last half of the Last Song. And that scene with Jonah, oh that scene made me start crying so hard, ugr it was such a sad scene:(. But the book is still simply amazing!
    My TTT
