
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Will Make You Swoon

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week! 

This Week's Topic: Top Ten Books That Will Make You Swoon

Since it's nearing Valentine's Day, I'm going to take a guess that this topic means books that have a great romance. Well, good thing I'm obsessed with romances! Here are my top ten books that have super sweet and swoon-worthy romances, and are the perfect stories to spend Valentine's Day reading…

1. Never Desire a Duke by Lily Dalton
2. Wallbanger by Alice Clayton
3. Melting the Ice by Jaci Burton

4. Unleashing Mr. Darcy by Teri Wilson
5. Crash Into You by Katie McGarry
6. Burn by Maya Banks

7. Thief of Shadows by Elizabeth Hoyt
8. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
9. Rules of Attraction by Simone Elkeles 

10. Time Between Us by Tamara Ireland Stone


  1. Rules of Attraction! That does look like a swoony book!! I've been wanting to start that series. And I'm with you with St Clair and Isaiah! Both hotties and awesome book boyfriends!

    My TTT

  2. Great list!! I included Anna and the French Kiss as well. I haven't read any of the others, but I will have to check them out.

    Here is my TTT:

  3. I like the mixture of adult and young adult books you've got on this week's list! Of the ones I've read (Anna and the French Kiss, Crash into you, Burn and Melting the Ice) I definitely agree that they are swoon worthy! I'm not sure I'd have been able to pick a favourite from Jaci Burton's Play by Play series! Hope you have a great week :)

  4. I wanna read Crash Into You so bad! I love Katie McGarry's writing :) And I had Anna and the French Kiss on my list, too!! Awesome picks.

    Megan @ Bookworm in Love

  5. People keep telling me that Wallbanger is a really good one! Maybe I'll have to look into it!
    My TTT

  6. Crash Into You is a great book! I can't wait to read Anna and the French Kiss!

  7. Great list!! I loved Anna and the French Kiss, it's so swoon-worthy. The romance in it was just so sweet and Cute!!
    my TTT

  8. Ooh nice list! Seeing a few of these titles around today! All are pretty much new to me in the sense that I haven't read them! But still great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  9. Gotta get my hands on Wallbanger. I keep seeing it everywhere this week.
    My TTT

  10. Great list! I almost added the Fuentes boys to my list too!

    Here's My TTT

  11. I need to read Anna and the French Kiss! It is always making so many lists.

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

  12. I love that you mentioned Thief of Shadows, Never Desire a Duke, Anna and the French Kiss, Rules of Attraction, and Crash Into You. Those are all so amazing! I really want to read a Jaci Burton book, but just haven't gotten the chance yet. That is one sexy cover for Melting the Ice!
