
Monday, January 13, 2014

Weekly Roundup [1/7-1/13]

Wow, what a week! Things started off on a cold note when that polar vortex blew through on Monday and Tuesday. The temperature was below zero and my power went out Monday night for about 6 hours. What else was there to do than read by the fire? It ended up being quite a nice night as my family and I passed the time reading our books, trying to stay warm without any electricity. I spent the rest of the week with my sister before she had to leave for school while I'm stuck at home for another two weeks before school starts again for me. What am I going to do for yet another two weeks of break? Good thing I have some great books to pass the time :)

Book Reviews
Loud Awake and Lost by Adele Griffin
Flowers in the Attic by VC Andrews


Blog Tour

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