
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Things On My Reading Wishlist

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week! 

This Week's Topic: Things On My Reading Wishlist

Hmmm, what things do I want to find in books? That's actually a really hard question to answer! I like such a wide array of books, so narrowing down what I love to a list of ten things seems so difficult! But I'll give it a go…

1. A main character who I can relate to
There's nothing better than finding out the main character loves reading/baking/knitting/running like I do! It makes me like them so much more and really care how they turn out in the story. 

2. Romance
If the book has romance, I'm there. 

3. Surprise
Some of the best books I've read have had truly shocking, emotional moments that make me go completely crazy. Have you read Hopeless by Colleen Hoover?? Talk about a surprise!

4. Super adorable and irresistible men
The guy in the book has to be a  gentleman and someone infatuating in order to keep me hooked. If the guy is just okay, I'm not really all that interested in how things turn out. I love when they do super sweet things and are there when the girl needs them most. 

5. Series where were you love all of the characters
It's so cool when a series has a book on each of the characters that show up in world of that series. You know that one of the secondary characters of the book you read will have their own book next in the series, and it's always great when you're actually super excited for that book because the author did such a good job building that character that you can't wait to find out more about them. 

6. New Adult
I'm in this phase right now where I absolutely adore any new adult novel I read. I can't get enough of them!

7. Books with more plot than just the romance
I hate it when books are literally only about two people obsessing over each other. I need more substance, more of a storyline where things happen other than two people falling for each other. Obsessing over how the main couple feels about each other gets really old really fast. 

8. Travel
Reading about someone who goes out and travels through Europe or out of the country and falls in love is so much fun. I love being able to read about the amazing places and events the characters get to experience. 

9. Retellings
Being able to experience a beloved classic/fairy tale is so sweet and I love how authors can take a classic and make it contemporary/completely their own. It's so fun to see what new angle the author can bring to the table.

10. Sports
It's been a long time since I've read a really good sports romance. I have some promising ones on my bookshelves that I haven't gotten to yet, but I just haven't found the time to actually pick one of them up! 


  1. It is interesting how you said it's been a long time since you've read a good sports romance book. I don't remember EVER reading a sports romance book, and that idea is very inspiring. I love sports, and it would be awesome to see how an author would intertwine athletics with romance.
    Check out my TTT list:

  2. Nice list. :) What I would like in NA is more mystery/suspense or even historical romance..but it seems all they have is contemporary romance..which works well for you..but not me. :(

  3. Great list! I am loving fairy tale retelllings! Of course I just "binged" on my ARC on Grim by multiple YA authors and loved it! So yeah, I am still trying to wean off that sugar high! Haha!

    I'd like to read more NA myself, but I'm a paranormal reader and have found that most NA are contemporaries. Which has led me to push my book that I wrote and keep trying to query to agents as a paranormal NA instead of just an adult read!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. That is one great wishlist!

    Check our TTT of this week.

    Leydy @ OUaT & Redcarpetendings

  5. Great lists, I love retellings and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see more!
    P.s. I'm team Maxon too! Can't wait for The One!
    MIssie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  6. I love retellings, sports romances, and travel books too. I can't get enough of these types of plots. Great list!

  7. Great list! I really love retellings, we need more of those. I am glad I am not the only person who loves a sweet guy in my books. Great picks :)

    My TTT :)

  8. It's really important to have characters you can relate to. And I'm so with you about books having a proper plot rather than just romance and nothing else. I also like re-tellings and surprises-I love a book with twists and turns.

    Tizzy @ Creative Therapy
