
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Stacking the Shelves (83)

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

From Publisher
This is the only book that came in the mail for me to review, but it looks so good! I'll be reviewing it for  a blog tour later this week, so keep your eye out for that! 

From Goodwill
Back in the beginning of high school, I was absolutely obsessed with books like these. I already own a ton of them, but these two were missing from my collection. So you could say I was excited when I saw them for only 25 cents at Goodwill. I just couldn't resist and now they're sitting on my shelf and my collection is almost complete :)

From Amazon
I got an Amazon gift card for Christmas and I just had to get this version of Persuasion. It was only $2.50 and Persuasion is definitely one of my favorite Austen books. 

That's it for me! What did you all add to your shelves this week?


  1. Congratulations on your bargain books this week. I hope you enjoy all of them!!

    Here is my STS:

  2. I have only read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that book with all my heart. Must try something new for a change:) Glad you got the copy you wanted. Under Jeweled Sky does look good, hope you enjoy. Thanks so much for stopping by Little Pieces of Imagination :)

  3. I've seen books at Goodwill but never thought to look there for great books! Thanks for the idea :)


  4. I love shopping at places like goodwill. I donate some of my books there too.

  5. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy all your new reads.

  6. Great haul. These are all new to me, will have to look them all up on Goodreads. I hope you enjoy all of your books :) My STS.

  7. A lot of these books I never heard of. Yay for bargain book stores.

    My STS

  8. Great Haul. And what a beautiful covers.
    I hope you enjoy reading all of these books.


  9. Wow, the cover of Under the Jeweled Sky looks crazy amounts of gorgeous! And Persuasion is far and away one of my favorite Austen novels as well. :)

  10. I've never heard of any of these books before but I look forward to hearing your thoughts on them! Great haul and thanks for stopping!

  11. I love Persuasion as well, one of my favorites. Jeweled sky looks amazing and the cover is so pretty.

    Thanks for stopping by and happy reading :)

  12. I loved the romantic comedy collection too. they were some of my favorite book is high school.

  13. Nice haul! Picture Perfect looks very sweet, I love the cover with the heart on the bridge :)

    Thanks for stopping by earlier. Have a great weekend :)

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  14. I hope you enjoy your books! :-) You've got some real bargains!

  15. Enjoy 'em! I love looking for bargains like this.

  16. Great haul! Persuasion is one of my favorite classics too, definitely in my top five along with Pride & Prejudice! I haven't heard of the other books but the cover of Under the Jeweled Sky is gorgeous, that color is so striking and makes me think of summer...

    Enjoy your new books and happy reading :)

  17. Persuasion is my favorite Jane Austen novel, and my favorite novel, period. I haven't read it in a while, so it's definitely time for a reread. Hope you enjoy your new books, and thanks for stopping by!

  18. Nice haul!! These are all new to me but I hope you enjoy them all!!!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  19. I loved The Summer I Found You. I was actually hesitant to read it at first, but it turned out to be amazing. I will be posting my review on it soon! :) I'm already reading Onyx now, and I loved Obsidian! :D

    I haven't heard of these books yet, but they all sound amazing.

    Thanks for dropping by! :D Happy reading! :)

    My STS :D

  20. I love that cover for Persuasion, it's stunning.
    Happy reading.

  21. the covers are really fun but I confess I didn't know them. I hope you'll like them all. Happy reading!

  22. Thanks for stopping by my STS! I still need to read Persuasion, love Jane Austen. Enjoy!

  23. Picgture perfect sounds good, hope you enjoy!

  24. I've never heard of any of these! Well, except Persuasion. Because who hasn't heard of Jane Austen!? :D

    Have a fantastic week!

    Check out my STS post!

  25. Wow! You scored some fantastic deals! Congrats! I love second-hand stores for their books...especially when they're ones I really really wanted. :) My StS!

  26. These are all new to me. I hope you enjoy all of your new reads. Thanks for stopping by my STS:)

  27. I really need to read Persuasion too! Hopefully during my next school break. Enjoy all your books, and thanks for stopping by :)

  28. It's really exciting when you get the missing books from your collection isn't it? I am on a mission this week to find a few of my childhood favourites on Amazon and re-live my happy time! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  29. Love On the Lifts! I've read that book in 5th grade and loved it ever since. I still love it to be honest. ;D
    For Picture Perfect, I think I thought that one was okay when I read it in 5th grade...
    Enjoy all your lovely books & thanks for stopping by my STS a week ago! :D
