
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Stacking the Shelves (82)

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

For Review

Only one book in the mail for me! I've read a couple of VC Andrews books before and enjoyed them. This one is one of her old ones (published in 1979) but they're republishing it for the release of the new movie based off of the book. I've heard this is a great one, so I'm excited for the chance to read it!

From Half Price Books

Half Price Books was having their 20% after Christmas sale and, being the book buying addict I am, I had to go. But I did very well and only got one book! That ended up being $1.20! I've wanted to read Franny and Zooey for the longest time, and now I own my very own copy! 

From the library

I know I don't need any more books to read, but I just couldn't help getting some books from the library. It was so sad hearing that Ned Vizzini passed away recently, and I never actually got around to reading his book. So I decided to check it out from the library and try to read it because I've heard it's a fantastic story. Then, Eloisa James is one of my favorite historical romance authors, and she has a memoir about moving to Paris. I can't wait to get a peek into her life in such a magical city!

That's it for me! What did you all add to your shelves this week?


  1. Ah Flowers in the Attic. That book brings back memories. Haven't read that one in years. I like Eloisa James's historical romances. Great haul.

    Books of Love

  2. I loved Flowers in the Attic when I read it - that whole series is made of creepy! And I look forward to seeing what you think of Paris in Love!

    Thanks for stopping by earlier, Jessica. Happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  3. Thanks for your comment on my sts Jessica.
    And I hope your books are great.
    Happy reading.


  4. oh wow, Flowers in the Attic. A blast from the past. It is very good, and very disturbing.

  5. ahhhhhh I have just decided i soooooo need to read flower in the attic too! can't wait. great haul ! new GFC and Bloglovin' follower ! Here's my STS~Katie @ Inkk

  6. I've heard It's Kind of A Funny Story is a great book. Paris In Love also sounds pretty interesting. I hope you enjoy all your books :)

  7. Flowers In The Attic is good, but definitely disturbing! I'd like to read It's Kind Of A Funny Story too. Happy Reading :-)

  8. Great haul! Hope you enjoy everything you got. I love the cover of Flowers in the Attic! <3

    ~Stephanie @ Bookfever

  9. I haven't read any of these, but I love the cover for Paris in Love. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!!

    Here is my STS:

  10. I don't know I've ever heard of these. Hope you love them!

  11. Flowers in the attic looks pretty interesting. I've never heard of it before. Great haul!

    My Haul!

  12. I watched the movie of It's Kind Of A Funny Story and it was well done. I hope you enjoy the book! :D

  13. I loved Catcher in the Rye sooo much. So I know I would love Franny and Zooey. I think the first story was about depression and I wasn't really in the mood for it so I never went back to reading it. I need to pick it up again soon!

    Stacking the Shelves

  14. Looks like a nice set of books!! Franny and Zooey sounds interesting :)
    Ninja Girl

  15. I don't know any of these books, but I hope that you enjoy reading them all :)
    Stacking the Shelves
    One Million Pages

  16. I've not come across these books, but they definitely sound interesting! Great haul, enjoy :)

    My Showcase Sunday :)

  17. Hi

    Thanks for visiting my haul post. It's Kind Of A Funny Story is on my wish list to buy. I thought the film was both poignant and funny.

    Enjoy your reads.

  18. Thanks for stopping by my STS! Flowers in the Attic was my favorite book in high school. I reread every few years. Enjoy!

  19. /good haul, I have Flowers in the Attic but the older book, it as my Nan's, i've not read it but I have seen the movie

    Take a peek at my haul

  20. I haven't read any of these but I hope you enjoy them!

  21. Wow, it's been a long time since I read Flowers In The Attic, might have to see if I've still got my copy and have a re-read! I'm intrigued to see the new version of the film they've made.

    Enjoy your new books and happy reading :)

  22. That's a really lovely cover for Flowers in the Attic. I really enjoyed the old movie when I was a kid, and I enjoyed the book when I read it. I hadn't heard that there was a new movie coming out and now I'm really excited! I've been wanting to read It's Kind of a Funny Story for so long now, was so sad to hear about the author. I hope you enjoy all your books :) My STS.

  23. I haven't heard of any of these, but they look great. Happy reading and thanks for stopping by. :)

  24. I've also heard It's Kind of a Funny Story is really good, but haven't had a chance to check it out yet. Thanks for visiting my StS!
    Rachel @ The NerdHerd Reads

  25. Lovely haul! I loved Catcher in the Rye when I read it in 2012 and I've wanted to read Franny and Zooey ever since. And I also really want to read Flowers in the Attic and It's Kind of a Funny Story.

    Thanks for dropping by my StS! :D

    - Kazhy @ My Library in the Making

  26. I enjoy Eloisa James' books. I haven't read anything by V.C. Andrews even if this is one of my cousins favorite authors.

    Thanks for stopping by and happy reading :)

  27. I've heard great things about It's Kind Of A Funny Story, but I have absolutely no clue on what's it about. :P
    I hope you'll enjoy all your books & thanks for stopping by my STS last week!
