
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Blog Tour: Kissed By A Dark Prince

Hello, everyone! Today, I'm very excited to be a part of the Kissed By a Dark Prince blog tour! Kissed By a Dark Prince is a novel by Felicity Heaton and Felicity is here to share in interview about her new book and life as an author! I want to give a big thanks to Felicity for being here on Peace Love Books today! 

Describe Kissed by a Dark Prince in three words.
Passionate. Action-packed. Engaging.

What were your five favourite things about writing Kissed by a Dark Prince?
That I was getting to explore a huge, exciting new world. I loved being able to set up this new world and introduce all these new characters, and reveal a little bit about them, dropping hints along the way.

The armour the elves wear—it’s black metal scales that is like a second skin on their bodies and it responds to their mental commands, emerging from the twin bands around their wrists and sweeping over their bodies, hugging them tightly.

Writing elves in general—I’ve always had a thing for elves and I wanted to pull them into the paranormal romance world and show readers just how hot, dark and sexy they could be.

Hitting readers with a twist that I think has catapulted Vail into many of their hearts. It was awesome, but painful, writing that moment.

Writing about the effects of a powerful bond on a hot elf prince who has been without female company for millennia, and hasn’t been in the human world for just as long. It was fun writing Loren struggle to keep control around Olivia and fight against his need to pummel any male who looked her way, all while trying getting to grips with our modern world.

If you could be one character from Kissed by a Dark Prince, who would you be and why?
If I could bend the rules, I would be a character who was only mentioned in passing, because she’s destined to become the mate of Vail. Vail is the hero, Loren’s, brother and another dark elf prince. He’s actually the bad guy in this book, but he will be redeemed later in the series. I fell in love with Vail when writing Kissed by a Dark Prince and I’m desperate to write his romance.

If I can’t bend the rules, then I would love to be Sable. She’s a demon-hunter and the best friend of the heroine, Olivia’s, and she’s about to end up in a rather dangerous love triangle with one possessive demon king and one hot bachelor elf commander in Claimed by a Demon King.

What do you like most about writing paranormal romance?
I’ve always loved paranormal creatures, in particular vampires, ever since I was really young. I was reading and dreaming about vampires from single digits, together with werewolves and witches, and dragons too. It was natural for me to blend romance with paranormal, and I feel at home with this genre. I love being able to let my imagination go wild and it’s wonderful dreaming up these new worlds and new takes on creatures everyone knows. I like to put a new spin on things for my readers. It just so much fun writing in a world without limits where anything goes!

What does your typical day of writing look like?
I tend to check emails and other things first, getting them out of the way first thing to clear the way for writing. I’ll then spend most of the day writing, or editing. As much time as I can really. I always have other commitments that need my attention, like blogging, interviews, blog tours, promoting my books. Sometimes it’s hard to strike a balance and I have to set aside days for admin work.

When I’m writing though, I’m a demon. It’s best not to disturb me. I can happily sit and write for hours on end, clocking up over ten thousand words most days. I just put my headphones on and plug myself into the world I’m writing and don’t emerge until my body is protesting violently and telling me to call it quits for the day. Writing is my obsession and it’s never more obvious than when I’m writing a first draft.

If I really want to concentrate, I’ll move from my home office to a café for a day and sit sipping lattes and frantically writing. It’s hard for my fingers to keep up with my brain at times. I think it helps that I have everything in the book outlined before I begin writing and then just have to breathe flesh onto those bones and give them life. I put together a comprehensive outline from all the scenes notes I jot down when planning the book. Sometimes that outline can end up as long as twenty thousand words.

What do you do when you’re not writing?
I love watching anime and reading manga, both Japanese in origin, and can happily sit watching a new anime series or reading a new manga, letting the world drift by unnoticed by me. If I’m not writing (as in, I’m between books) I get to read paranormal romances by my favourite authors.

I also have a passion for playing PlayStation games, especially ones such as Assassin’s Creed (I’m in love with the thought of being an assassin), Uncharted, Tomb Raider, and the Final Fantasy games. I like exploring the worlds and the characters, and unravelling mysteries during the adventure. When I’m not holed up in my house, I’m outside at archery practice, honing my novice skills with a recurve bow.

What are you currently reading?
As I write this, I’m actually reading for once. Normally, I get asked this question and I have to explain that I can’t read another author while working on one of my own books because it tends to affect my style and voice. I’m between books right now so I have been able to get some highly valued reading time in. The book I’m currently reading is Devil May Cry by Sherrilyn Kenyon, and it’s part of her fabulous Dark-Hunter series.

What can we expect next from you?
I’m preparing for the release of the next book in the Eternal Mates series, Claimed by a Demon King, at the end of February. I’m also writing the next Vampires Realm series book, Hunger, which will hopefully be out in May, and I’m planning the next Her Angel novel, which is scheduled for release in September. Between the releases of those two books, I will be bringing out the first novel in the Guardians of Hades series in July, and later in the year I will be releasing the third Eternal Mates novel. It’s going to be a busy year!


Here's some more about Felicity's new book

Kissed By A Dark Prince
By Felicity Heaton
Release Date: November 13, 2013
Summary: Olivia thinks it’s her lucky night when a dangerously handsome unconscious fae ends up on her inspection table. He’s her chance to redeem herself with her employer, the demon-hunting organisation, Archangel. But when the tall, dark and deadly immortal warrior awakes, she gets much more than she bargained for… 

Attacked by his enemy in the elf kingdom, the last thing Prince Loren expects when he comes around is a beautiful angel watching over him and medical technology of the mortal realm. Hazy from his injuries, all he can focus on is the pulse ticking in her throat and the sweet allure of her blood.

One single bite reveals she is his eternal mate, triggering a bond between them that will leave him weakened until it is complete… or broken, and pulling Olivia into the crossfire of his ancient feud.

To protect his people and his mate from the machinations of a madman, Loren must risk everything by working with Olivia at Archangel to find a way to break the bond blossoming between them. 

But will Loren be strong enough to place duty before desire and give up the one thing he has waited millennia for and craves above all others—his eternal mate? And will Olivia be able to resist the incredible heat that burns between them and the temptation of her dark prince’s kiss?


Be sure to follow this fantastic tour to learn more about the passionate heroes and sassy heroines in the Eternal Mates romance series! You can also find yourself in with a chance to WIN a $50 or $25 Amazon Gift Certificate if you follow the tour. More details, including how to enter and a full list of stops, are available at the Kissed by a Dark Prince Virtual Book Tour page:

Kissed by a Dark Prince is available from Amazon Kindle, Kobo Books, Barnes and Noble Nook, Apple iBooks stores and other retailers. Also available in paperback. Find the links to your preferred retailer and a downloadable 6 chapter excerpt at:

Books in the Eternal Mates romance series:
Claimed by a Demon King – coming February 2014

About Felicity Heaton:
Felicity Heaton is a USA Today and international best-selling author writing passionate paranormal romance books. In her books she creates detailed worlds, twisting plots, mind-blowing action, intense emotion and heart-stopping romances with leading men that vary from dark deadly vampires to sexy shape-shifters and wicked werewolves, to sinful angels and hot demons!

If you're a fan of paranormal romance authors Lara Adrian, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter and Christine Feehan then you will enjoy her books too.

If you love your angels a little dark and wicked, the best-selling Her Angel series is for you. If you like strong, powerful, and dark vampires then try the Vampires Realm series or any of her stand-alone vampire romance books. If you’re looking for vampire romances that are sinful, passionate and erotic then try the best-selling Vampire Erotic Theatre series. Or if you prefer huge detailed worlds filled with hot-blooded alpha males in every species, from elves to demons to dragons to shifters and angels, then take a look at the new Eternal Mates series.

If you want to know more about Felicity, or want to get in touch, you can find her at the following places:


  1. Thanks for having me here as part of my Kissed by a Dark Prince book tour!

  2. I enjoyed the inteview and the peak into your writing process. Looking forward to reading this book!

  3. Great interview and I loved seeing her writing process. This series and all her series are fantastic. She is an incredible writer.

  4. Thanks for a great interview, really enjoyed it!!!

    Love Felicity's books... The EM series is fab and the different species & worlds are really great to read about!!!! :D

  5. Great Interview, yes Felicity is definitely a fan of Hints, she really likes to tease us to a point that we are begging for more!!
    Cant wait to read Thorne & Sables story, Sable is one Kick Ass Woman!.

  6. I enjoyed the interview, i will love to have chance to read this series. Must pre-order this book. :)

  7. thank for the great interview, looking forward to read this :)

  8. I loved reading this!!!! And glad to be following the tour!

  9. It's so cool to find out personal things about authors. Love knowing how they "write", so to speak. All have their different patterns/methods. Very cool. Makes me feel closer to the writer this way.
