
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Goals/Resolutions for 2014

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Top Ten Goals/Resolutions for 2014

Time to fly into another new year! 2013 was a pretty fantastic year, so I'm  hoping 2014 is even better. Here are some goals I'll be keeping in mind as 2014 rolls in...

1. Continue to post every single day
This year has been so good for me and this blog. I post something at least once a day and I have been a reading machine not because I have to read, but because I love to read. I hope that I can keep up my work on this blog and continue to love every minute of it. 
2. Read at least 170 books
My goal for 2013 was 130 and I surpassed that by over 40 books. I am so shocked by how much I've read, especially because there are so many books I didn't have enough time to even get to. But I hope that I can continue my reading streak and read at least 170 books next year. 
3. Read at least 5 new classics
I read a bunch of classics in 2013 and finished all six of Jane Austen's novels! There are so many more classics, though, that I have yet to read so my goal is to read even more of them in 2014. 
4. Read more from the books I own and haven't read yet
I have wayyyyyy too many books in my room. Seriously, they are everywhere! But new books keep on coming out that I read first, so I have too many books that I haven't even read yet. I want to dig into that pile and read as many as I can in the new year!
5. Finish all of the challenges I sign up for
I came SO CLOSE in 2013 to finishing all of the challenges. I only failed two this year, though, and only by a couple of books! I'm hoping I can finish every single one I decide to do this year. 
6. Join a read-a-thon
I wanted to do this in 2013, but never got to participate in one. I'm determined to finally do one in 2014!
7. Finish series I've started
It's embarrassing how many series I have started and haven't come close to finishing. I'm making it my mission to finish some of those series, especially if I have all of the books in that series sitting on my shelf at home. 
8. Manage my review pile
It's so easy to accept books for review, but it's so hard to actually find the time to review them. I hope that I can manage my review pile and keep up with the books coming in. 
9. Continue the fabulous Jane Austen Book Club
Last year, I started The Jane Austen Book Club at school and it has been going so well. I love the girls in the club and we have so much fun reading and discussing the classics. I hope I can keep it going strong for spring semester and into my senior year. 
This was my goal last year and it's my goal this year as well. Another year in the blogging world as gone by and even more bloggers are leaving because they just don't have the time to keep it up. This scares me so much! I absolutely love blogging and couldn't imagine my life without it. I hope I can keep my blog for a very, very long time. 


  1. Good luck with all of your goals this year!! I, too, am trying to reduce the number of unread books I own and complete some of the series I have started.

    Here is my TTT:

  2. Oooh very nice! I keep trying to tackle my TBR pile as well, and I do pretty good. But then a big release day comes up and I buy like 5 books or so and then I am kind of right back where I started. I tend to buy the books when they release to aid in the authors sales and the continuance of series. Although I don't always get to reading the right away to post reviews, I feel like doing that helps somewhat!

    Hope you have good luck with all your resolutions!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Posting everyday and reading more classics are things I'm trying to work on more, too, but DAMN GIRL you go for those 170 titles! :) That's super awesome! Good luck with your endeavors in 2014!

  4. Good luck with all these goals! I need to read more classics too. Your Jane Austen Book Club sounds like so much fun.

  5. No way a 170-book year can be a failure, even if you didn't finish every single challenge :) You read about a hundred more books than I did in 2013, so props to you.

  6. Great goals! 170 books sounds like a really admirable goal. Posting every day is really impressive too.

    My Top Ten List

  7. Wow and here I was thinking I was doing good reading 90 books! lol 170 books is an awesome goal! I'm sure you'll find some really great ones! Great goals!

    Here's My TTT
