
Friday, December 13, 2013

Follow My Book Blog Friday (114)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

This Week's Question: Bookselling time! Go to your biggest bookcase. Go to the second shelf from the top and pick the sixth book from the left. Handsell this book to us. 


My biggest bookshelf holds all of my favorite YA books, so it's no surprise this one ended up being picked out, because I LOVE IT! I mean, it's Jessi Kirby…what more do I have to tell you to convince you it's awesome? This one has the whole road trip thing going on, but it's super emotional because Honor is dealing with the death of her brother who died in Iraq. She had received a letter he wrote three days after he died, and she's determined to fulfill his last wish. Of course, her brother's best friend Rusty has to invite himself along for the ride…oh it's so good! If you don't believe me from my little obsessive outburst, then check out my review right here. Jessi Kirby is one of my favorite authors and if you haven't read anything by her yet, go do that right now! You're missing out on some fantastic books!


  1. Sounds like a very sad story. Not so sure if I am going to read it. My heart couldn't handle the pain.

    Charlotte @ Thoughts and Pens

  2. Happy FF!

    This sounds like a movie I would love! Maybe I'll check out the book.

    Old Follower

  3. I have never heard about this book before. However it sounds very emotional, not my usual sort of story but it does sound interesting :0)
    Thank you very much for sharing.

    New follower via Bloglovin

    Moonlight @ Once Upon a Moonlight Review...

  4. I need to pick this one up since I'm getting into that contemporary/realistic niche more and more! Great pick too!

    Happy Reading!

  5. Haven't read a non-fiction in a while! :P
    New GFC and Bloglovin follower! :)
    My FF:

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