
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Things I Am Thankful For

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Top Ten Bookish Things I Am Thankful For

1. My Family 
My wonderful family has been putting up with my obsession with reading pretty much since I was born. My parents have fed my addiction by buying me books I've been dying to read. Not only that, but I remember when I was younger being able to spend as long as I wanted to at the library because my mom was looking around at books to. I guess you could say I got my obsession with reading from her! Thanks mom :)
2. Half Price Books
This store is pretty much the reason why my bookshelves are overflowing with books. With the clearance books for only $1, how do they expect me to resist? 
3. The Library 
The library is like a candy store for book lovers, only everything is FREE. Yeah, you have to return the books, but you have so many possibilities at your fingertips! Especially at the library by my home! They spoiled me so much with always having the newest YA releases, so it was has been and still is my favorite place to spend an endless amount of time just browsing through the books and finding new treasures.
4. Netflix
I know it's not exactly bookish, but I do watch many movies that are based on books. And TV shows where I can watch the entire series without missing an episode. Being away at school, Netflix has become my best friend when I have an empty weekend and not much homework ahead of me. Those weekends are the absolute best. 
5. Goodreads
I think this one is pretty much self-explanatory. Goodreads just rocks. 
6. My Bookshelves
I have two large bookshelves and two smaller bookshelves that hold my favorite books in my room. Then, I have books piled up under my desk and beside my couch. But I absolutely love looking at all of my pretty books lined up in the shelves. I get so warm and fuzzy just thinking all of the special stories in them and how they all belong to me :)
7. Cover Illustrators/Designers
I am SUCH a cover snob, and if it weren't for the amazingly talented cover illustrators and designers, I probably wouldn't pick up half the books I read. They're so phenomenal at what they do and I love finding an absolutely gorgeous looking book, picking it up, and discovering an equally phenomenal story. 
8. Jane Austen
I finally finished the 6th and final finished novel by Jane Austen, and I am completely in love with her stories. I just know I'm going to spend the rest of my life reliving the most amazing romances ever written. 
9. My Nook
Thanks to my fabulous e-reader, I can download books I'm dying to read from Netgalley and Edelweiss with the press of a button. Before they're even released. Needless to say, my Nook has made my reading life much more exciting. 
10. Authors
To every author there ever is, thank you for all of the hard work you put into creating these wonderful stories that have changed my life. I don't know what I'd do without the stories from my absolute favorite authors. Thanks for being awesome and keep doing what you do :)


  1. I wish there was a half priced books around here! People talk about it all the time, but I've never been to one!
    My TTT

  2. Ooh very nice list! I don't think I have any half priced bookstores around me either. But then I get so anal about my books that I don't really buy used ones. But pretty much for my birthday and Christmas I am asking for books or bookstore giftcards!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Such a great list! I am definitely thankful for the library and Jane Austen! And my eReader! My family is really bookish, and I put them on my list, too!

  4. Great list! I am definitely thankful for my e-readers as well! I chose to do a Bookish List for My TTT

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