
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Covers I Wish I Could Redesign

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Top Ten Covers I Wish I Could Redesign

Haha, this week's topic is so perfect for me. I'm such a cover snob, so I'll pick up a book if I like the cover. I probably won't read a book with an awful cover unless I've heard it's great or seen positive reviews for it. So here are some books I've read where I think the covers could be very much improved. 

1. Slammed by Colleen Hoover
This one is just too plain and I think it could be a lot more eye catching. For such an amazing story, it deserves an equally amazing cover!

2. First Comes Love by Katie Kacvinsky
The position of their heads just bothers me on this one. And I'm not a fan of the font choice for the title. 

3. Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins
I really love this cover, but it makes me sad that it's not going to match the earlier covers of the first two books in this series. They were so cute and I would have loved to see that kind of cover for this one as well. 

4. Dirty Little Secret by Jennifer Echols
I really liked this cover when I first saw it, but as I keep on looking at it, everything looks kind of digital and awkward. I loved the cover for Such a Rush and this one sort of pales in comparison. I think it could have been better!

5. Return to Paradise by Simone Elkeles
Again, their heads are kind of at awkward angles and something about the girls hair really bothers me. And it looks digital too. I guess I wish it were a more natural picture on the cover. 

6. Where Beauty Lies by Elle and Blair Fowler
Like I said for the previous two, this one looks so digitally made. It looks like a Barbie video game and I don't think I would have picked this up if it weren't sent to me for review from the publisher. 

7. Paradox by AJ Paquette
I don't know what it is, but I am not a big fan of this cover. I remember seeing it and not being interested at all in picking it up. Luckily I was looking for a review book to read next and read the synopsis because it ended up being a great read. This cover was just a little too weird for my taste. 

8. Revealing Us by Lisa Renee Jones
While this cover is pretty on it's own, it doesn't match the first two books of the series. I got an ARC of this with a cover that actually did match the other two, but I guess they chose to go with this one for publication, which makes me sad! I really really liked the other covers and like it when the entire series matches. 

9. Manicpixiedreamgirl by Tom Leveen
This book was so good, but that cover is just weird. That girl just looks creepy and I don't really like the guy's facial expression. I feel like with the concept of this book, the cover had the potential of being really cool. 

10. Losing It by Cora Carmack
I love love love the covers for Finding It and Faking It, but I have a couple of problems with this cover.  First, the way the girl is framed on the the bottom makes her look like a boy, so it looks like this one's about two boys. Then, the one who's supposed to be Garrick (on the top) looks like he's 16 or 17, not at all a college professor. And the colors are just blah. I think there's a new cover where they changed the top one to a guy who looks a lot older and is much more attractive with dark hair and stubble. Needless to say, I prefer that cover much, much more! 


  1. Not bad! Those covers could use a bit of tweaking I agree!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Did you know that they DID redesign Slammed? And the new cover is much better. I had to put it on my TTT list this week (which I had to switch up a bit and list the top 10 books I'm glad were redesigned). Great list!

    TTT @ Krista's Dust Jacket

  3. First Comes Love is one of the few books that I liked the cover redesign better than the original. I agree, that cover is awkward. I added Isla to my list for the exact same reason. I liked the original covers and have both of the first two books. Great list!!

    Here is my TTT:

  4. Interesting list. A lot of these I hadn't seen or heard of before. It is silly that they would pick that model for Losing It if he was supposed to be a college professor.

  5. Great list! The Losing It cover is really bad, the guy looks kind of creepy! Glad they gave Slammed a much better cover, that first one was rather plain and awful. My TTT.

  6. Great list! I admit, that's why I haven't read Slammed yet. I'm not a huge fan of the cover. This is unfortunate because I've heard its a great story!

    Here's My TTT
