
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Stacking the Shelves (76)

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

From The Book Keeper

There's this teeny tiny used book shop called The Book Keeper about 20 minutes away from my apartment. After class on Friday, I decided to make a trip out there and check it out. While the regular selection wasn't all that great, they did have a cart with books for only 25 cents! And we all know how much I love bargain books :) I found these two on the cart, so I only had to spend 50 cents on my trip there! And one of them is by Eloisa James! I love her, so I'm really excited I found these two :)

That's it for me! What did you all add to your shelves this week? 


  1. Oooo, a book by Eloisa James! I think I've read something by her... I can't remember though. I loveeeee historical romance novels! I hope you enjoy that one, and Bayou Dreams.

    Have a fabulous weekend!

    Check out my STS post!

  2. Ooh what a great buy! I hope you enjoy these books :-)

  3. Those are both great buys! I hope you'll enjoy them :)

    Happy reading!

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  4. i love historical romances. sadly, it's been a while since i read one though. i read a bunch of eloisa james's books but not that one. hope it's a good one :)

    Here's my StS/Sunday post.

    -michelle @ Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks

  5. Two seems to be the number of this week. I only got two as well ;)

  6. I love browsing in used bookstores. Eloisa James is one of my favorites. Hope you enjoy your finds!

  7. I love used book stores and 50 cents for two books...can't do much better than that! Have fun reading! ~Pam

  8. Best of luck with the books - thanks for stopping by my STS

  9. Nice! Haven't read these. Hope you enjoy them!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, stop by if you can!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  10. I love Eloisa too! This Duchess of Mine is so good...I hope you enjoy it.

    Happy reading!

  11. I never read those books, scratch that, I never read anything besides horror and paranormal, but right now I have started reading other genres too. These sound interesting

  12. Wow! What great finds for so little:) Thanks so much for stopping by my sts!

  13. WHAT! That's a great deal, Hope you enjoy all of them! :)

  14. Yeah! That's such a great deal! You get to do the victory dance on that one!
