
Friday, November 8, 2013

Follow My Book Blog Friday (110)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: Vlog about why you want to be next week's feature! If you are too shy to put yourself on camera- tell us why you are soooo shy. 

Answer: Ha, there is no way I have time to make a vlog. I'm typing this up and it's 7am Friday morning. Normally I have this post done by Monday or Tuesday but I have been insanely busy that I've had no time to get some things done. I've been on the same book since Sunday. That's 6 days! And it's one that I could normally finish in 2 days at most. If I barely find the time to read, then how could I find the time to do a vlog? It's just been one of those weeks...

Haha, and I'd have absolutely no idea what to say for why I'd be a good feature for next week. Because I love books? But who doesn't? So sorry for kind of a crappy answer for this week's question. Next week should be a lot less busy and I should have more time for blogging. All I can say is thank goodness it's Friday! I hope you all have a great weekend :)


  1. Too busy to even read! *gasp* I feel your pain. New follower via Bloglovin'. I made a video... It's pretty goofy.
    My Video

  2. Having no time to vlog is a much better answer than mine -- I''m too tech impaired!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. I know what you mean about not having time for anything (especially reading). It's terrible! The vlogging wasn't that bad though. I mean, I look like a hot damn mess, but it could have been worse.... right? lol

    New Follower!

    Here's my Vlog Entry!

    Melissa @Stalked! Reviews by Melissa

  4. Wow! You sound super busy!! Hope the weekend brings you some much needed R&R!!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  5. TGIF is right! :) Old follower. Have a great weekend!

    ~Pam @ Moonlight Reader

  6. I'm stopping by late, checking for vlogs! Sorry you didn't have time, would have been nice to see your face! Have a great day, and see you again tomorrow!
