
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Stacking the Shelves (69)

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

From the library
One of my friends said that this was her favorite book of all time, so I decided I should check out a copy for myself! It sounds like a really fascinating book, so I can't wait for the chance to read it. 

From Barnes & Noble
OH MY GOSH I WILL FINALLY HAVE MY COPY AT 10:30AM TODAY. My parents are coming to visit me for Parent's Weekend and this book has been sitting at my house for the past THREE WEEKS. I pre-ordered it from Barnes & Noble, but I sent it home because I didn't want it to be sent to my apartment on campus and sit outside for someone to steal. But that means I've been absolutely dying to read this one for the past three weeks. I'm finally getting my copy today, and that means I'll be spending my entire Sunday curled up with this baby :)

From Publisher
Along with my Nicholas Sparks book, my parents are bringing me my copy of Never Desire a Duke by Lily Dalton. I've got a review of it schedule for later this week, so I'm super happy they're bringing this one along with them as well. Not only is this a historical romance, but it also takes place around Christmastime. And you can never go wrong with Christmas!

That's it for me! What'd you all add to your shelves this week? 


  1. I'm not really a romancey kind of person but hope you enjoy your books!

  2. It's Kind of a funny Story sound good, I'll need to look into that. Happy reading.

  3. I haven't read any of these books, but I hope you enjoy them. Enjoy parent's weekend!!!

    Here is my STS:

  4. It's Kind Of A Funny Story looks quite interesting, will check it out on Goodreads!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! <3

    Enjoy your new books!

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My STS post!

  5. Interesting choices. The Historical looks really interesting. Come check out my haul as well.

    Books of Love

  6. It's Kind of a Funny Story seems to be selling well at the bookshop at the moment! Hope you enjoy your new reads.

  7. The historical looks good. I'm lukewarm on Nick Sparks. Hope you enjoy your books. Happy reading!

  8. I've been trying to get a copy of It's Kind of a Funny Story for so long now!!! But it's harder to find in the UK, I work in a library and can't even get it from there!

    My STS

  9. It's been a long time since I've read a Nicholas Sparks novel (not because I don't like him, I just get distracted) - but I hope you enjoy your new book since you've been waiting so long to get it!!

    Bree :)
    Coffee Bean Bookshelf

  10. My friend loves It's Kind of a Funny Story! I haven't read it yet, but it she liked it, then I might like it. And ooo, Never Desire A Duke. I love historical romance novels, so that one is right up my alley :D

    Have a terrific weekend!

    Check out my STS post!

  11. I loved the movie of It's Kind of a Funny Story, but I haven't read the book yet! Can't wait to see what you think!
    My STS

  12. Nice haul!! Haven't heard of all these but I hope you enjoy them!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  13. I love historical romance but didn't know this one, happy reading!

  14. I've heard of It's Kind of a Funny Story, but never checked it out. Can't wait to read your review.

  15. Nice books, I hope you'll like them.

    Glass @ Way Too Hot Books

  16. Short & Sweet and such a great mix. Thanks for stopping by my BB&B!

  17. I've heard so many good things about Ned Vizzini and I've only read his Other Normals (which I'm not very fond of). Hope you enjoy reading your books! Happy reading and thanks for stopping by! :)

    Chel @ The Procrastinator's Corner

  18. I've been meaning to watch It's Kind of. I should read the book first. Hope you love your new reads!

  19. Oh I love Christmas books. October is my dedicated Holiday book month so I'm into my stash. Happy reading!

    Tsuki’s STS

  20. Congrats on finally getting your hands on the Nicholas Spark book!!! :D

    Also, thank you for visiting! <3

    -Jess @

  21. Thanks for stopping by my STS! I haven't heard of the Nicholas Sparks book, it looks interesting! Enjoy!

  22. Oh, I love Nicholas Sparks. Enjoy it when you have it! :)

    My STS

  23. That cover for It's Kind of a Funny Story looks like something I'd like to hang on my wall. I'll have to check that one out.

    Stephanie @ Inspiring Insomnia

  24. Haven't heard of any of those but I do like Nicholas Sparks. Happy reading! Thanks for stopping by.

    Zareena @ Books and Books

  25. Nicholas Sparks books are a so emotional and heart wrenching! I love them :)

    Happy reading and thanks for stopping by!

  26. (Okay, I don't know if it sent or what, but my comment sort of just disappeared. I'm just going to rewrite it pretty much word for word, so sorry if you get it twice. Haha.)

    I've been wanting to read It's Kind of a Funny Story for so long. I've seen the movie (which I'm sure is somewhat different from the novel) and liked it, so it seems obvious to move on to the book. Also, historical fiction based around the holidays? Yes, please! Enjoy :D

  27. Never Desire A Duke looks good! I'll definitely check that one out. :D
    Enjoy all your lovely books & thanks for stopping by my STS! (:

  28. Woot! In my entire existence, I was only able to read two Nicholas Sparks books: A Walk to Remember and The Notebook. Both are favorites of mine. After that, I stopped reading his work. They always make me cry you know. *sighs* Right now, I am contented to watch the movies. Hahaha.

    Please enjoy your books. Thanks for stopping by Thoughts and Pens.
