
Friday, October 25, 2013

Book Review: Tandem by Anna Jarzab

By Anna Jarzab
Release Date: October 8, 2013
Source: Publisher
Summary: Everything repeats.
You. Your best friend. Every person you know.
Many worlds. Many lives--infinite possibilities.
Welcome to the multiverse.

Sixteen-year-old Sasha Lawson has only ever known one small, ordinary life. When she was young, she loved her grandfather's stories of parallel worlds inhabited by girls who looked like her but led totally different lives. Sasha never believed such worlds were real--until now, when she finds herself thrust into one against her will.

To prevent imminent war, Sasha must slip into the life of an alternate version of herself, a princess who has vanished on the eve of her arranged marriage. If Sasha succeeds in fooling everyone, she will be returned home; if she fails, she'll be trapped in another girl's life forever. As time runs out, Sasha finds herself torn between two worlds, two lives, and two young men vying for her love--one who knows her secret, and one who thinks she's someone she's not.

The first book in the Many-Worlds Trilogy, Tandem is a riveting saga of love and betrayal set in parallel universes in which nothing--and no one--is what it seems.

Review: Ever since I saw the cover of this book, I was intrigued to see what it was about. When I read the summary, I wasn't sure how I would like a story about parallel universes. I've never read a book about them before, but I thought I'd give it a shot and I'm definitely glad I did. 

Sasha Lawson has grown used to her quiet Chicago life, living with her grandpa and reading in the depths of her favorite bookstore. Until one day, Sasha is stolen from her world and finds herself on Aurora, a version of Earth in a different universe. Sasha is expected to take the place of her analog Julianna, or version of herself on Aurora, who just so happens to be the princess that was recently kidnapped. Sasha has 6 days before the princess's marriage to the prince of the rival monarchy of America, but can she survive that long and keep her cover? Or will she uncover some secrets that could threaten to destroy both of her worlds? 

This book was so cool. So cool. Seriously, I loved the idea of two versions of Earth and how Sasha was stolen from one to impersonate the princess of the other. It was really cool how the author explained why Aurora was so different from Earth because of one small event that literally changed EVERYTHING. So Sasha finds herself in a completely new world, taken from her Grandpa and friends, to try and save the fate of a country she barley even knows. 

I really loved Sasha and how defiant she is as a person. She seems like a quiet, passive girl in the beginning, but throw her into a crisis and she can seriously hold her own. And Thomas! Oh Thomas how you made this story so much better. His character was absolutely perfect for this story, how he's a big bad soldier but really a passionate softy on the inside. He's a great match for Sasha and it was fun watching their relationship grow from the time he forcibly brings Sasha to Aurora up until the end of the book. 

Speaking of the end, what the heck? As much as I love a good cliff-hanger, I don't particularly enjoy them when the next book doesn't come out until JUNE! Gah, but it was an awesome ending and I loved the different plot twists thrown our way pertaining to both life on Aurora and Sasha's life on Earth. 

In the end, this was a really cool sci-fi book that takes a unique approach to parallel universes. There's action, sci-fi, and, of course, my beloved romance. I would definitely recommend checking Tandem out. WIth a unique story, great characters, and a simmering romance, you can't go wrong.


  1. I've always liked the parallel universe idea. This one has a nice cover too (bonus). Its always a bummer having to wait months for the next one though. :( Glad you enjoyed it, it looks good.

  2. Sounds great! Thomas sounds great ;) I've read conflicting reviews on this one, so I'm still hesitant to read it. Glad you enjoyed, though!

    Christie @ Read by the Undead
