
Monday, September 2, 2013

Weekly Roundup [8/27-9/2]

This week has been one of the longest weeks I've had in awhile. You know why? Classes have started up! I'm taking 20 credit hours this semester, so there's barely any time to think, let alone do my homework. Add on top of that Quidditch practice and running my two other clubs (knitting and my book club) and it seems like there's no break. But I love staying busy, so hopefully things will start settling down and time will start moving at its normal pace again. As long as I get to read my books, I'll be a happy girl :)

Book Reviews
The Book of Broken Hearts by Sarah Ockler
Revealing Us by Lisa Renee Jones



  1. Good luck with finding a schedule that will work for you!

  2. I haven't read either of the books you reviewed this week, but I'm intrigued by The Book of Broken Hearts. I've been on a YA contemporary kick lately so I think I'll check that one out. Thanks for sharing and good luck balancing everything out!
