
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Stacking the Shelves (67)

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

From Half Price Books

On Thursday this week, one of my friends told me about a Half Price Books clearance sale happening this weekend about 45 minutes away from where I go to school. EVERYTHING WAS $2 OR LESS. I pretty much hyperventilated just thinking about it. The first 200 people each day got a free HPB bag, so my friend and I left early and got to the sale exactly at 9 am, the time they opened. Free totes in hand, we spent the next 2 hours looking around and every book but two that I got were only $1. You could say I was super happy this morning :) Here are the books I ended up getting...


I've got some pretty awesome reading ahead of me :) I made sure to limit myself to only $1 books, or else I knew I would buy way too much. I'm very happy with my selection! The lady at the checkout told me that tomorrow, everything would be 50% off for the last day. Such a dilemma! I had already driven all that way, but going back means FIFTY PERCENT OFF! But I'm going to have to try my hardest and resist the temptation to buy even more books. Based on this haul, I think I'm set for a while! 

And that's what I got this week! What did you all add to your shelves? 


  1. You did well! Great haul :) Here's mine:

  2. Yay for big old book sales! Looks like you got some wonderful picks for a buck!
    My STS

  3. I love big clearance book sales! I always drop everything and make sure to get to it!

  4. Great stack of books! The Five People You Meet in Heaven had me bawling like a baby. Enjoy!

  5. I would have hyperventilated as well! That is a crazy good sale and you ended up with a lot of fun books =D Happy Reading!

    Emily @ Falling For YA

  6. Great haul! I love book bargain! I also loved Saving Francesca. Melina Marchetta is amazing. Enjoy!

    My STS:

  7. I haven't read any of these but happy reading!

    Tsuki’s STS
