
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Follow My Book Blog Friday (102)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: It is up to you to do a kickstarter campaign for your favorite book! Who are you casting for your main characters? 

Answer: Oh my gosh, how do I begin to pick just one book I'd like to see as a movie? And then attempt to choose people who can create a story even remotely close to as amazing as it was in the book? 

I seriously thought about my answer to this question for three days now and still can't think of an answer. I've just been sitting here, staring at my computer...

So I'm going to opt out on this one. It's just too hard and I can never think of someone that could completely embody my favorite characters. But you can check out my Top Ten Tuesday List from this week where I listed books that I would love to see be made into movies! 

What about you guys? Did you come up with a dream cast? I'd love to hear!


  1. Lol I just forced myself to pick one book and picked the closet people I could find. The reality is I will never be able to match the characters I make up in head with an actual person but I went for it anyway.

    New GFC follower!

    MY F&F

  2. I had The Iron King on my Top Ten list and I decided to make an attempt at casting it! You can check it out here!

    Kelly @ Dandelion Dreams

  3. Yes,it's so hard to choose but I cheated :D I didn't pick up my favorite books I pick something in my mind casting already :D

    Old follower
    Booker Like a Hooker's FF Post

  4. Aww, fair enough. It is hard :)

    Happy Friday!

  5. This made me laugh. Love the Violet gif lol. I made the jump and casted my favorite book series! Check it out The Book Cove

  6. Yay! Someone else who agrees with me! Forgot about mentioning the Top Ten Tuesdays post! That would've been good for half my answer! Instead I chose to mini rant about not liking well known actors being placed as my fave book characters. Then I talked a bit about the Vampire Academy and Divergent cast!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  7. I just couldn't think too much about it when answering this question. I picked a book I read recently and liked a lot and then spent only a couple minutes finding actors for it. Movies are never as good as the books anyway :)
    Bloglovin' follower

    Kim @ YA Asylum

  8. I had a hard time with this one as well. I managed to pick a book, but opted out of the casting part. I'm not very good at that anyway. Old follower.

    Happy Reading!

  9. Hello,
    Lovely blog!
    I'm a new follower.
    My blog is My Favorite Things
