
Friday, September 6, 2013

Follow My Book Blog Friday (101)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: Bookshelf Tour. Give us a tour of your bookshelf. 

Answer: Well, I'm at school. And it would be impossible to have all of the books I have at home here, so I only bring books that I want to read between now and the next time I go home (which is about three weeks at a time). I still want a good selection to choose from for when I need a new book, but it's not nearly as much as I have at home. But, I'm not at home so you'll have a nice, small tour of my nice, small bookshelf in my apartment!


  1. everyone has such organized bookshelves! your stuffy is so cute as well.

  2. Well, your organized bookshelf looks nothing like mine. You'll have to come see my answer at Daily Mayo. I'm a new Twitter follower!

  3. Love the chip! Nice shelf :)

    Happy Friday!

  4. Ooh very nice setup!! My only thing about where I live if I am lucky enough to ever move out of my family home is having lots of bookshelf room!

    Any maybe my own office to write and have a few more bookshelf space!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  5. I'm "away" at school too which is why I don't have many books. Although by "away" I mean I left my boxes of books at my parents house and now I'm completely moved out and on my own for school...but no room for the boxes. Glad they understand! haha

    Now, if I were to give a tour of my college books... ;-)

  6. Love your little arrows! And Chip looks like a good guardian for your movies and books. Great pic! Old follower.

    Happy Friday!

  7. I wish my shelves were that organized lol Mine are all over the place both here and at home.

    Here's My FF
    But remember if you can't handle an organized mess you may not want to look! LOL

  8. Nice breakdown!
    How's Chip feel being without Dale?

    Here's my FF, if you're interested!:

  9. So neat and tidy, and I love the arrows!

    Here's my Bookshelf Tour

  10. LOL your books are so much neater than mine. I need more SPACE!

    Following back via GFC and Bloglovin'. :)


  11. I love how you managed to organize your books despite the small bookshelf. :D

    And can I hug Chip?

    New follower on Twitter and old bloglovin follower. :D

    Here's my Thoughts and Pens FF.

  12. very organized books shelves,visiting back for FF.old follower
