
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Things That Make Our Life As Bloggers Easier/Better

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Top Ten Things That Make Our Life As Bloggers Easier/Better

1. Goodreads. Pretty sure this one is going to be on EVERYBODY'S list. I found Goodreads about a month before I created my blog and it is absolutely life saving. You can keep track of books you've read, are reading, or want to read, and get any information about a book that you could possibly want. That website is absolute magic. 

2. Rafflecopter. Doing giveaways is so much easier now that I've discovered Rafflecopter. Now, all I have to do is press a button and voila, I have a winner!

3. The Library. I am extremely spoiled by my library at home. They always have the newest releases, so I can keep up with what's coming out in both YA and adult fiction without having to spend all of my money at the bookstore. Not to mention nothing beats spending hours just looking at books in the library :)

4. Netgalley and Edelweiss. My bookshelves are already bursting at the seams with all of the books I've accumulated over the years (especially the past two years since I've started blogging). Being able to request an ebook from these review sites has made life so much easier and I can get my hands on ARCs of books that I'm dying to read a lot faster. The only downside is that it's super easy to go a tad bit overboard and request too many. But then again, is there even such a thing as too many books? 

5. My Nook. This one definitely goes hand in hand with number four on my list. I actually got my Nook about a month after I started blogging because I realized how much easier being able to accept ecopies as a reviewer was. I am still completely in love with my Nook and I would have missed out on so many amazing reads without it. 

6. My mother. While I'm away at school, tons of books are still delivered to me back at home. Seeing as I go to school two hours away, I can't just stop by and pick up those books. So whenever a new package comes, my mom will open it for me, take a picture with her phone, and then send me a message showing me what goodies came that day. This makes keeping up with my requests and review books so much easier. Thanks for all of your help mom :)

7. Bloglovin. I still have no idea what's going on with all of the google ways to follow, but Bloglovin has made that situation so much easier. Now, people can simply follow me through Bloglovin and get an email with my new posts every single day. That takes a lot of stress off when it comes to keeping track of the ways people need to follow my blog!

I know that's only seven, but these seven things make my life incredibly easier when it comes to blogging. I don't know if I could even keep blogging without these. Well, I probably would, but it definitely wouldn't be as easy and fun as it is now! Hope you guys have a good Tuesday :)


  1. Your mom sounds awesome! And Bloglovin is totally amazing as well!
    My TTT

  2. Goodreads & Twitter definitely for me! Great list :)

  3. Great list. I said Goodreads and the library too! I can't imagine my life without the library! :) Happy Reading!
    My TTT

  4. Goodreads is one of those that all of us definitely have to have on our lists! Also, I <3 Rafflecopter! Great list My TTT.

    Vyki @ On The Shelf

  5. Awww your mom rocks!! That's so cool that she sends you pics of your packages :) And without Goodreads, no WAY would I blog!

    My TTT

  6. Yay for supportive Moms! Mine made my list too. Gotta love when they support our habits! ;)

    Samantha @ Reading-AndCoffee

  7. Nice! I forgot Rafflecopter myself!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. YAY for the library! Goodreads is awesome! :) Great list.

    My TTT:

  9. Great list :) The library, Goodreads and NetGalley are all on my list as well. Life as a blogger would be a lot harder without those available.

    My TTT:

  10. Goodreads also tops my list. It makes keeping track of books SO much easier! I forgot to add rafflecopter to my list though.
    It's so sweet of your mom to take pics of your new books :) Oh, and I wish I could use the library! You can read about my problems with it here.

  11. I'm loving that Goodreads is on so many lists this week. Joining it was the catalyst for me finally starting my book blog all those years ago. I love Bloglovin as well especially the organizational features. Thanks for sharing!
