
Friday, August 16, 2013

Follow My Book Blog Friday (99)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: Share something you've learned about book blogging or just blogging in general in the last month. 

Answer: Well, I've been blogging for over two years now, so I've learned quite a lot since I started this blog. In the past month, though, the one thing I've learned is that book blogging is SO much more enjoyable in the summer. Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely love blogging. But when the school year starts up and I have tons of homework and school reading to do, I only get about two books for blogging read a week. And those books are typically ones sent to me to review. During the summer, I have SO much more freedom...I can read ANYTHING I want and then write all about it right here :)

Over vacation, I read a book a day and knocked so many books off of my to-read list that I didn't have to read from publishers or authors. It was absolutely glorious! With school starting in a little over a week, I really hope I can still read books I've been dying to read as well as my review books. Reading books I enjoy is the reason I love blogging so much. Hopefully that lasts forever :)


  1. I am the opposite. I thought I read more in the summer but I realized I do it more in the winter once my kids go back to school and they go to bed early I have more time to read. In the summer they are just all over the place and I find it harder :)

    New Follower

    Twitter & Bloglovin

    Michelle@Because reading is better than real life

  2. LOL that gif is hilarious. And YAYYYY for summer and time to read whatever you want!!! That is awesome! (Also, I just read your bio again, and not to be creepy but you sound a lot like one of the girls I live with at college. The diet coke, the knitting...haha.)

    Old follower! Here’s my FF.

  3. Good answer but I feel like its more enjoyable in the summer even when you no longer attend school :)


  4. Reading and summer go together like... well I don't know but anyway they do! :) Got a laugh out of the gif too... happy Friday!

  5. I have discovered that I have more fun blogging in the summer as well. Just so much more time! Old follower.

    Happy Friday!

  6. I've enjoyed blogging this summer, but I'm looking forward to the next few months as well. :) happy Friday! old follower

    My Feature & Follow
    Whit@Whit's Book World

  7. I totally agree with you! School sucks up so much of blogging and reading, there's like nothing else left fun! Great post Jessica!

    Happy Reading!
    My FF:

  8. Hi I’m following thru from Parajunkie’s follow friday.
    You can follow me back at
    "Literary Quill Promotions"

    "Literary Quill Reviews"

  9. Good answer and I love your site design!!

    New Google follower =)

