
Friday, August 2, 2013

Follow My Book Blog Friday (97)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: How do you handle a book you don't like? Do you DNF or do you power through? 

Answer: I have this really weird need to finish every book I read. Even if I don't really like it, I'll stick it out and at least skim the rest. I feel like since I already invested some time into the book, I have to finish it. If not, it'll sit on my shelf taunting me and I don't even know where to put it! To I put that book in the part of my bookshelf where my finished books are? Or do I put it with the books I have read? I don't know! It's just too stressful to start and book and NOT finish it. So I finish almost everything I read :)


  1. I have to finish the book too. I just can't leave it unfinished. It will haunt me. :)

    Here is my FF

  2. Nice! I use to be like that, but with the growing TBR pile, I've come to a decision that I can't finish everything if I am not enjoying it. There have been a very rare few books that I just couldn't handle after so many pages. Generally before the halfway mark. I have too much else to read and a lot of what I want to read to try to finish one I'm not enjoying.

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I try really hard to finish a book too but if I absolutely cannot get into it after half way through I may DNF. :-)

    Old bloglovin follower

  4. Yes! I'm the exact same way! I always have to finish or at least skim it.

    New follower! Would love it if you check out my FF:

  5. I always continue through with books because I don't like not finishing. I'm an old follower. :b

  6. I feel the exact same! I hate not finishing books, it is just too stressful!

    ~Sydney@Pika Pages

  7. I used to think like that, but there's just so many other things that I could be reading. I don't want to spend so much time on something that I don't like to miss out on something I might LOVE!

    Here's My FF

  8. I almost always need to finish the book too! I always feel really guilty not finishing one.
