
Friday, August 30, 2013

Follow My Book Blog Friday (100)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: If you could have ONE - one book - for the rest of your life. Don't cheat...what would it be? 

Answer: Gah, only one book? How the heck am I supposed to choose one? That's like, living in a world where only one book existed...

But if I HAD to live in this hypothetical awful world, the one book I would like to exist would be...

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

I contemplated choosing one of my favorite YA or adult contemporary fiction books, but would I want to read those for the rest of my life? Will I always love YA books? Or will I eventual *gasp* outgrow them? I don't know! But I do know that Pride and Prejudice is a timeless novel with such an incredible romance that I know I could never get tired of the story. So that's my choice :)


  1. Nice choice.

    I really love Pride and Prejudice.

    Also I really love this statue of Colin Firth (as Mr. Darcy)

    Colin Firths Wet Mr Darcy Finally Immortalized

    New GFC follower

    Kat @ Books Are Bread

  2. Nice! Love the video clip! I had the same reaction!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Great choice! Many people have included that as their pick today. I still haven't read it (I know, such a shame) but it is on my shelf! (:

    My FF

    Tina @ Pages of Comfort - new follower via bloglovin! (:

  4. P&P seems like a popular classic choice today, though I gotta admit that Persuasion is my favorite Austen novel. I had a hard time getting into P&P but sure did love the end!

    New bloglovin follower.

  5. P&P seems like a popular classic choice today, though I gotta admit that Persuasion is my favorite Austen novel. I had a hard time getting into P&P but sure did love the end!

    New bloglovin follower.

  6. I almost picked P&P, but ended up with another Austen. You can never go wrong with her! Thanks for sharing! Old follower.

  7. This has been a favorite, maybe second only to The Deathly Hallows.

    Old bloglovin follower!

  8. Great choice! I had a toss up between Jane Austen novels and PP won ;-)

    Old follower,
    The Book Cove

  9. Such a great choice!

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