
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Book Review: Wallbanger by Alice Clayton

By Alice Clayton
Release Date: November 27, 2012
Source: Own Copy
Summary: Caroline Reynolds has a fantastic new apartment in San Francisco, a KitchenAid mixer, and no O (and we’re not talking Oprah here, folks). She has a flourishing design career, an office overlooking the bay, a killer zucchini bread recipe, and no O. She has Clive (the best cat ever), great friends, a great rack, and no O.

Adding insult to O-less, since her move, she has an oversexed neighbor with the loudest late-night wallbanging she’s ever heard. Each moan, spank, and–was that a meow?–punctuates the fact that not only is she losing sleep, she still has, yep, you guessed it, no O.

Enter Simon Parker. (No, really, Simon, please enter.) When the wallbanging threatens to literally bounce her out of bed, Caroline, clad in sexual frustration and a pink baby-doll nightie, confronts her heard-but-never-seen neighbor. Their late-night hallway encounter has, well, mixed results. Ahem. With walls this thin, the tension’s gonna be thick…

In her third novel, Alice Clayton returns to dish her trademark mix of silly and steamy. Banter, barbs, and strutting pussycats, plus the sexiest apple pie ever made, are dunked in a hot tub and set against the gorgeous San Francisco skyline in this hot and hilarious tale of exasperation at first sight.

Review: Oh gosh. This good. Seriously, I could not put it down! I love the cover and once I read the summary, it sounded like a fun book that I was bound to love. And love it I did. 

Caroline just moved into her new apartment, living a life where her career as an interior designer is flourishing. Who needs a man? But one night, the banging starts...from the other side of her wall. Fed up with sleepless nights thanks to her next-door neighbor wallbanger, Caroline marches over there to give him a piece of her mind. When the door opens, though, Caroline is met with a pair of glorious abs that belong to the inflated ego of the wallbanger named Simon. After their initial meeting, Caroline and Simon keep on crossing paths and Caroline can't seem to stop thinking about those abs...

Oh boy. Simon? He's awesome. Yeah, he's got an ego, but with his looks and personality, who wouldn't? They way he acts with Caroline is so fun and their banter gives their relationship a lighter edge. But he definitely has a serious side too. He is so sweet when Caroline needs someone and he really cares about everyone in his life. The fact that he's a super rich, super talented photography who gets to travel all over the world isn't too shabby either. 

Caroline is also a great main character for this book. She's insecure when it comes to Simon, but not annoyingly so. She's witty and funny, so it's really fun to read from her point of view and how her relationship with Simon grows from strangers to something more. She bakes too! I love how she got a kitchenaid mixer and is always baking bread and treats that Simon happens to love eating. Oh, and I love how she can hear everything through the wall. No, not Simon's late night frisky business, but the music he plays on his record player and when his guy friends are over. They have really cute moments with their music and it just adds so much to the charm of the book. 

So yeah, I loved this book. It was funny, romantic, and just a great read overall. If you haven't gotten the chance, pick up a copy of Wallbanger. This was my first book by Alice Clayton and I'll definitely be picking up another one. I can't wait to see what else she's come up with.

1 comment:

  1. Great review!!! I need to check this book out asap! Thank you for sharing!

    Reese's @Reese's Reviews: MA2F
