
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Most Intimidating Books

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Top Ten Most Intimidating Books

Hmmm there are actually a lot of books that I'm scared to read because of all of the hype surrounding them. There have been countless times where I've read a book with super high expectations because of all of the rave reviews out there, and I end up being like, "That's it?" So here are some books that I haven't gotten to yet and would absolutely love to read, I'm just afraid I'm not going to love them as much as I expect to. 

1. Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
2. A Game of Thrones by George RR Martin
3. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

4. Wicked by Gregory Maguire
5. The Hobbit by JRR Tolkein
6. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

7. Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
8. Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
9. Looking For Alaska by John Green

10. The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling


  1. I agree completely! These are all very intimidating!!

  2. Gone With The Wind is one of my favorites! It's super long, but it's great!

  3. Good list!
    I agree especially about Anna Karenina, which is also on my list.

    My TTT

  4. I agree with these - especially The Casual Vacancy!
    My TTT

  5. Anna Karenina is on my list too! Of your list I'd recommend reading The Hobbit- I read it for the first time this year & really liked it.

  6. Ha, proud fact: I actually did read Anna Karenina. And it was awesome. Like a historical soap opera :) But that was before the days of book blogging, scheduled reading and TBR piles. Sometimes I miss that feeling of just picking something to read and then go for it...

  7. You added loads of books that I talked about in my runner-ups! I also haven't read Gone With the Wind and Moby Dick and I feel like I should have. Same goes for Lolita and Anna Karenina, I've wanted to read them for years!
    I read The Hobbit when I was 12 and re-read it 4 times by the time I turned 16. I haven't read it since though and really want to go back to it again!
    Game of Thrones also made my list - it's just so huge! I feel super-intimidated by the series but I also want to read it since I love the TV show and I'm not used to being one of those people who have only seen the film and not read the book :P

    My TTT

  8. The Casual Vacancy intimidates me, too. I completely forgot about it when I made my list. Gone With The Wind very nearly made it onto my TTT, too. I'm curious to know why Looking For Alaska intimidates you, though.

  9. It took me forever to read Gone with the Wind. I enjoyed it, but found that too many information (like a whole chapter about Scarlet's Dad) bulked it up for no reason :/ My TTT

  10. I read The Hobit and I loved it. It found it easier to read than Lord of the Rings and definitely less intimidating. And I feel the same way about The Casual Vacancy and Looking For Alaska.

    So Bookalicious

  11. I've been seeing loads of "A Game of Thrones" around. I tried it but I couldn't get into the series. Maybe you'll have better luck.

    Tsuki's TTT

  12. I've seen Gone With the Wind on a lot of lists! I read it as a teen when I had eons of free time and big books weren't as scary ;)
    And I know A Game of Thrones is HUGE, but it's SO worth it!! I love that series!
    And ugh, The Casual Vacancy scares me...

  13. Great list! I've read the Hobbit, and I got halfway through Anna Karenina and Wicked when I stopped them. I would like to finish them at some point but not sure if I will. Thanks for stopping by my Top Ten. New follower :)
