
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Stacking the Shelves (57)

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

From Publisher

I know it's a lot, but these are all of the books that have come for me in the past six weeks. One of the things I was looking forward to the most in coming back home to the US after six weeks was the stack of books I knew was waiting for me at home! There are so many titles here that I've been dying to read, and now I finally can! The only problem now, though, is choosing what to dig into first...

From the library 

And, of course, one of the first places I had to go when I came home was the library. I went straight for the young adult section (our library is AMAZING in how up-to-date it is with the new releases) and I picked up these four to take home. I know I already have a ton I have to read for review, but I just couldn't pass up on these books that were on my TBR list. Hopefully I find the time to read everything! Who needs sleep when you can spend that time reading some amazing books? 

That's it for me! What did you all add to your shelves this week? 


  1. OOh nice! Lots of new to me books here! Hope you enjoy your incredible haul!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Tandem looks awesome as well. You got so many books. When are you going to find time to read all of those books.


  3. Wow! Such an awesome haul this week. Tandem looks fabulous.

  4. Wow! You'll be busy! Enjoy and thanks for stopping by my STS.


  5. Wow that is a massive haul :) I really liked Time Between Us! Hope you enjoy them all.

  6. Great haul! I really want to read Belle Epoque and Tandem! I hope you have a great weekend!
    -Scott Reads It!

  7. I've heard that Beautiful Ruins is fantastic. I hope you enjoy it, along with all of your other books! Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Wow you got a lot of great books! I have to go check some of these out. I just finished Dirty Little Secret and I really enjoy the strong presence of country music in it but the love interest is a bit of an arse. Enjoy all of your books!

    Nicole @ The Quiet Concert
    my StS

  9. Oh I loved "Entwined with You" [5 star review]. Happy reading.

    Tsuki's STS

  10. Nice! :) I really liked Dust girl and I can't wait for Golden girl. Juliet Marillier is one of my favorite authors and I love the cover from Tandem. Enjoy all your pretty new books!


  11. Wow, you got so many awesome books this week! The library and the publishers have done you right this week!
    My STS

  12. I really enjoyed Raven Flights and I want to read Dust Girl. Lots of good ones! Enjoy! Thanks for visiting.

  13. wow, don't know where to begin, Tandem, The Corner of Bitter and Sweet, A Matter of Days, and The Secret Ingredient are books I'm interested in.

    awesome book haul,
    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  14. Great shelf! I hope you love them all. :D

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Amber @ Fall Into Books

  15. I'm dying to read Tandem. It looks so awesome. I love the cover for Beautiful Ruins. I've been meaning to pick that one up. Great haul! Thanks for stopping by mine!

  16. Very excited for a lot of these!! Especially Dust Girl, Golden Girl, Tandem, Belle Epoque---lots of awesome stuff coming from Random House lately, I guess! :D

  17. Great haul, I really want to read Dirty Little Secret and A Matter of Days. I hope you enjoy all you books and thanks for stopping by my haul.

  18. What an amazing haul! Dirty Little Secret sounds good :)

  19. wow!! amazing haul this week. i'm reading sylvia day's crossfire series too--well, i was but i needed a break after book one because the two main characters had too many issues. but i have the entire series, i'm just waiting for when i'm in the right mood for 'em.

    anyway, it looks like you have some fantastic reading ahead of you judging by this haul. i hope you can stop by my StS :)

    -michelle @ Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks

  20. Lots of books! I also got Raven Flight and cannot wait to start it. I think some of the other books you have are on my shelf somewhere too... Enjoy them!

  21. Wow. Such great reads this week. Ah! There's so many here that I want to read that I can't even comment on a single one. ; ) I will say that Time Between Us has renewed its place very high on my TBR so thanks for that. : )

    Thanks for visiting Jessie Marie Reads!

  22. Nice haul! Raven Flight and the series in general sound really good. Enjoy all your books. :)

  23. Oh wow nice haul! I'm really excited for Tandem! Raven Flight also has been getting really good reviews.

    Giselle @ Xpresso Reads

  24. Oh nice haul of books there! I really want to read Dirty Little Secret & Burning too! And Nobody But Us as well. It's so hard to have any self control when in comes to books haha!

  25. Great haul! Tandem looks awesome!

    Thanks for stopping by:)

  26. I'm pretty sure I read Nobody But Us this year but either way that book is brilliant, I couldn't get over that book long after I read it! I hope you enjoy it as well :)

    My IMM

  27. Being Me and Tandem sounds awesome! I definitely want to check those out! Nobody But Us was pretty good. And I really can't wait to start A Matter of Days! I hope you enjoy all the books you got!! (:

  28. Awesome haul! Sky jumpers, My Chemical Mountain, and Raven Flight sound especially good. Happy Reading!
    Here is my STS.
