
Friday, July 26, 2013

Follow My Book Blog Friday (96)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: What do you do with your books after you are done reading them? 

Answer: Keep them of course! Just the thought of getting rid of one of my precious books make me so sad...

Haha, but seriously. If it's a book for review or a book I bought, it goes right on my bookshelf when I finish reading it. If it's a library book, then I return it to a library of course! I can't bear the thought of giving away or getting rid of my books once I read them. That explains why my bookshelves are packed full of books. I keep them all :)


  1. it's so hard to part with books! thank goodness for eReaders...makes it easier to keep them all!

    trish - my follow friday

  2. I agree! I have a very hard time getting rid of books, and rarely ever do. Only if I really, really, didn't like it (but that almost never happens)

    New follower via bloglovin!

  3. Hopping through. Love the Tigger face. I know the feeling.
    My Hop

  4. New reader :) xx

  5. I always use the library! :D New follower via Bloglovin'!

    My F&F:

  6. Strangely enough, I think I've only set foot in a library one or two times (not including my university library - but that was for study purposes!). I just don't like the thought of borrowing a book and having to return it. I don't think I'd be able to part with them and then I'd get charged the fees haha.

    New follower on Bloglovin'. Here's my FF.

    - Allie x (Little Birdie Books)

  7. Haha! Nice! Yeah I keep about 99.9% of my books too. For the very rare, but occasionally happens, book that I didn't like I put it in a donate pile to take to the library. Sometimes I throw review books in there too when publishers send me one that I don't care for. You'd think they would contact me first and ask, I normally love getting review books, but I have to want to read the book too. The ones I got weren't of my interest. But they'll find a good home via the library when they sell them--since that's what my library says they do with donated books. Always thought they put them into their system but I guess not!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  8. Same! I also like how pretty they all look once stood next to one another :3 I love your blog by the way, it's absolutely gorgeous. New Bloglovin' follower :D

    Check out my FF here, as well as my second blogaversary giveaway!

  9. Awww...I love Tigger! I can't keep all my books or I wouldn't be able to move around in my house. But, I do keep all the ones in my favorite series or ones that I plan on re-reading. Old follower.

    Happy Friday!

  10. Just hopping through! Old follower happy weekend! Tigger is awesome.

    My FF Whit's Book World

  11. Hello! New follower. I look forward to your future posts!

    eBooks: I archive. I only delete if they are free or if I really disliked them
    Physical: Overflow on my bookshelf, which is unfortunately in my closet. I dream of the day when I can have my own library in my house. Until then, I save my books so that I can create said library ;-)

    The great thing about eBooks is that no one can tell that I'm a book hoarder and judge me ;-)

    On some occasions I will give books to the library or local schools.

  12. Oh, and I should add - we have a LOT in common lol. I'm also a Jessica (Jessi), avid runner, diet coke fan, and a MS student..oh and I'd rather buy books than pay rent ;-)
