
Thursday, July 11, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge Day 4

Day Four: What's the last book you flung across the room? 
Ummm none? I honestly don't think I've ever flung a book across the room before. I'll gently place it down, then storm out of the room to complain/obsess over what just happened to my sister. But I would NEVER physically abuse one of my books like that! Haha, they're all just too precious to me  :) 

The last book I gently placed down and stormed over to my sister once I finished it was Just One Day by Gayle Forman. I LOVED this book, the ending just killed me by how much of a cliffhanger it had. And the next book doesn't come out until October 15. How am I supposed to wait that long to figure out what the heck is going to happen/what did happen that wasn't revealed to us? I was so freaked out about the book that I made my sister read it so that I could talk to her about it. You know you've read a good book when you need someone there to obsess over it with!


  1. SO glad the next book is from Willem's POV! I am expecting major resolve from that book in that case. I am so anxious/excited/nervous for it! And yeah, I would never just throw a book across the room. I'd feel more than just guilt. Haha! Great post :D

  2. I haven't read this yet (waiting until I can read both simultaneously), but I have definitely been there done that with cliffhangers. Great choice!
