
Monday, July 22, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge Day 15

Day 15: Who are your blogging mentors? 
Oh gosh, where to start? When I began book blogging, I would visit the same blogs all the time and use them as inspiration and drive for my own blog. Here are some that I've been a fan of ever since I started blogging just over two years ago...

When I started blogging, Kristi already had TONS of followers and was getting TONS of review books. At that point, I had no idea you could even get sent books for review for free, so ever since I saw her IMM posts and all the comments she got on her blog, I knew I wanted to have a blog as successful as hers. Not to mention that she truly loves reading and you can tell that through her Goodreads and reviews. 

These girls are so awesome when it comes to their blog. I love visiting their blog and reading their reviews on books that I'm dying to read or have just read. Not to mention I love the design of their blog! The colors are so cute and perfect. 

Ginger's blog is so cute and she reads all of the books I love (basically everything YA). I love the design and she always posts fun stuff other than reviews. 

And those are three of the blogs I've been reading for forever and inspire me to be a better blogger as well! What blogs do you love reading everyday? 

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