
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I've Read So Far in 2013

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Top Ten Books I've Read So Far in 2013

Well, considering I just did a post with this same exact topic last month for the freebie week, my list is going to probably be very similar. But I have read some more really excellent books, so here is my list, one month later, of my favorite reads so far in 2013. 

1. Hopeless by Colleen Hoover
2. Just One Day by Gayle Forman
3. Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

4. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
5. Dirty Little Secret by Jennifer Echols
6. Things I Can't Forget by Miranda Kenneally

7. Going Vintage by Lindsey Leavitt
8. My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick
9. Reckless by SC Stephens

10. Lord of Darkness by Elizabeth Hoyt


  1. Nice top ten! Really loved pride and prejudice:) thanks for stopping by!

  2. I've seen those first three on quite a few lists! I really want to read Going Vintage! It looks like the perfect light and fun read. A few of the others are on my wishlist as well. Lovely list and thanks for stopping by my blog! :D


  3. Going Vintage is such a cute read. I also really want to read Eleanor & Park.

  4. I've read Just One Day and My Life Next Door and both were great! :) I haven't read the others but I have heard of them. Great list. Thanks for stopping by :)

  5. Loved Things I Can't Forget! Going Vintage and Eleanor & Park are two books I plan on getting to this year!

  6. What a great list! I haven't read any others than Hopless and Just one Day, but several others are on my TBR :)

    Here's my TTT post for this week.

    Happy reading.

  7. I really need to read Just One Day :) and I've heard so much about Hopeless. Great list!

    My TTT!

  8. I love seeing other titles from Miranda Kenneally on these lists this week! I have CATCHING JORDAN on mine, and wow...her writing is just so fresh and fun! I haven't read GOING VINTAGE, but seeing it on multiple top ten lists has me curious. Wonderful picks this week.

    I'm your newest follower :)

  9. Eleanor and Park <3 LOVED it! I just got Going Vintage from the library so I am excited to start it :)

    Our TTT

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

  10. Gah, Just One Day is so good! I can't wait for Just One Year.
    My TTT

  11. I've been seeing SUCH good things about Hopeless lately! I really need to read that one.

    Hooray for Pride & Prejudice, My Life Next Door, and Going Vintage. All three are so different but good! Especially P&P. I love that book so much. ♥

    I really need to get to that Elizabeth Hoyt book! I love her, and that one looks good.

  12. I haven't read any of these. *hangs head in shame* BUT- they are pretty much all on my TBR! So that makes it ok! (I think! LOL) I am starting Dirty Little Secret later this week though! Great list Jessica!

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  13. My Life Next Door was a great book! I wasn't a huge fan of Pride and Prejudice, but I have a feeling I might like it more now that I'm out of high school. :D

    The rest of the books on your list are all books that I'm planning to read eventually, as I keep hearing awesome things about them!

  14. YAY Hopeless :) Quite a few on here I still need to read but have been highly anticipating, especially Eleanor & Park :) Great list!

  15. I've only actually read Going Vintage off your list! Although the rest of your books are nearly all on my TBR pile, I'm particularly looking forward to reading Just One Day and Eleanor & Park!

    My Top Ten

  16. 1. I love your list. I pretty much everything on your list except Lord of Darkness and Hopeless. And I loved everything I read :) Thanks for stopping by!

    Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books

  17. I want to read Just One Day so bad! And Eleanor and Park are on a lot of lists, so I am definitely going to have to check that one out. Great list! My TTT.

    Vyki @ On The Shelf

  18. Hopeless was such a heartbreaking book. *near tears*
    Lord of Darkness looks interesting . *runs to Goodreads*

  19. Ah I can't wait for Dirty Little Secret! So happy to know you loved it. I've got Just One Day at home so i'm going to start it soon. Great list!

    Thanks for stopping by Swept Away By Books!

  20. I haven't heard of any of those. I need to check them out. I love the Going Vintage cover.

    Kate @ Too Read or Not Too Read

  21. Great list! We have some of the same ones! Don't you love Hopeless! Wow. Want to re-read it!
    My Top Ten Tuesday!

  22. Great list! Hopeless is on my list also! You have so many books that I want to read!

    My TTT

    Allison @ Book Fixation
    New follower!

  23. I read Pride & Prejudice this year too, and really enjoyed it. Eleanor and Park looks excellent - I am pretty much convinced after seeing it on so many lists that I need to read it ASAP!

  24. Gah I've heard so many great things about Hopeless, I need to hurry and read it!

    Great list!

    Here's my TTT

  25. I loved My Life Next Door! I want to read Hopeless and Elanor & Park. I've heard great things about them. Nice list!

    ~Sydney@Pika Pages

  26. Ahhhh...I really need to do a TTT...haven't done one in a while. Well, great list and thanks for inspiring me to make my own list for this week. :D

  27. Oh my god! I HAVE to read Hopeless!! I HAVE TO! Awesome list Jessica :)

  28. Fantastic list, Pride & Prejudice is one of my favorite books ever and I'm just about to read Eleanor & Park as I've heard so many good things about it!

    My Top 10 Tuesday!

  29. Great list -- Hopeless was probably #11 on mine. I loved it so much!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier :)

  30. Eleanor & Park blew me away! LOVELOVELOVE! I also thought My Life Next Door and Hopeless were great and I want to read Going Vintage!

    My TTT:

  31. Hi there! I love how your list is packed with contemporay books - I love them and they're perfect for summer! I really need to read Hopeless soon - it's on my Kindle but I haven'T gotten to it yet. Anyway, everyone seems to love it so I really should stop with the excuses, I guess :D

  32. Yay Eleanor & Park!!! I just started Things I Can't Forget and am so excited to read it! Oooh I'm glad you like My Life Next Door.. It was one of my favourites last year! PRIDE AND PREJUDICE! It's my favourite classic, I'm soooo glad you like it! YAY! Thanks for stopping by the blog! Looks like you've read some really great books so far :D

  33. I've seen Eleanor & Park on several lists! It almost made mine. It really was a great read.

  34. Just One Day and My Life Next Door are two of my favorite books as well, so it makes me happy to see them on this list. Will definitely have to check out some of these other books too. Great list!

  35. Aww, good list... Man, I totally forgot to put Eleanor & Park on mine.

    Thanks for stopping by my list!
