
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Books at the Top of My Summer TBR List

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Top Ten Books at the Top of My Summer TBR List

Oh my goodness, where to begin? I have so many books I have to already read for review, let alone that are on my TBR list just because I want to read them. So I'll try to pick ten books that I've been wanting to read for awhile and that I hope to be able to read in between my review books this summer...

1. The Hobbit by JRR Tolkein 
2. Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
3. A Game of Thrones by George RR Martin

4. Emma by Jane Austen
5. The Ugly Duchess by Eloisa James
6. The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks

7. Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire
8. The Fault In Our Stars by John Green
9. Insurgent by Veronica Roth

10. The Jane Austen Book Club by Karen Jay Fowler


  1. Great list for summer-reads! The books I've already read that are on your list have been very enjoyable, I hope you'll like them too! (The Fault in our Stars, Insurgent, and Clockwork Angel)

    Here's my TTT post for this week.

    Happy reading, Jessica :)

  2. Great top ten! Clockwork Angel is a-ma-zing:)

    My TTT:

  3. The Infernal Devices series is so great! I hope you enjoy it!

    TTT @ Krista’s Dust Jacket

  4. Great list! The Fault In Our Stars made it onto my list as well. I hope you enjoy Clockwork Princess and Insurgent! I loved them.

    Kelly @ Dandelion Dreams

    My Top Ten

  5. Beautiful Disaster and Insurgent are both on my long list of TBR books. Great list! :)

    Here's my TTT:

  6. Ahh LOVE The Infernal Devices<3 Insurgent was fantastic too!

    Our TTT

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

  7. Great list!
    Game of Thrones!!! :) And Insurgent was sooo good. You'll really enjoy it.

    My TTT

  8. I enjoyed "The Jane Austen Book Club" a lot but the movie was better. I really need to get to Cassandra Clare. I loved "An Abundance of Katherines" but I'm hesitant to read "The Fault in Our Stars" since it's a sad book. Great list!

    Tsuki @ Tsuki's Books

    Tsuki’s TTT

  9. The Hobbit didn't make my list today but it is on this year's list to read. Although I've read LOTR I never made it to The Hobbit. Great list.

  10. I'm glad I'm not the only one who hasn't read Insurgent yet. I am reading The Ugly Duchess right now and really liking it. I hope you enjoy The Fault in Our Stars and The Hobbit.

  11. That are some great reads you have there. Hope you will be able to read them.

  12. Oooh, great list! I hope you enjoy The Fault in Our Stars! I read The Hobbit earlier this year and had forgotten just how awesome it was, it made me want to read the LoTR series. (But I haven't gotten round to doing that yet, haha!)

    My Top Ten

  13. Very diverse choices! The Fault in Our Stars was so wonderful and I hope you really enjoy that one. Divergent is definitely one I need to read since there is so much raving about it. Great picks! Thanks for stopping by, new follower :-)

    Vyki @ On The Shelf

  14. What a great list! I've also been toying with the idea of reading Game of Thrones. I'm sure I'd like it but I can't quite bring myself to commit to it yet! They're all so huge! I still haven't read the Jane Austen Book Club OR Divergent OR The Wedding OR The Fault in Our Stars OR the entire LOTR series but they're all on my massive, never ending TBR list. Good luck with your reading :)

  15. I really need to read The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, so I'd better add those to my TBR list, too!

  16. Beautiful Disaster and Insurgant are two of my favorite books. I've never read the Jane Austin Book club, just seen the movie, but I best that would be a great summer read.

    My TTT list: Between the Pages

  17. Out of all the ones you've mentioned, I've read The Hobbit, Emma, The Fault in Our Stars, and The Jane Austen Book Club. I recommend all of them except for the last. You can see my reviews for all those books here:

    I also need to start reading George Martin's books, as well as the Divergent series. Great list!

  18. I'm hoping to read TFIOS soon too! I'm a big John Green fan and I can't wait to dive into that one. Great list!

  19. You have a great list and I love your layout!

    Here's mine:

  20. Great choices! Hurray for The Hobbit and A Game of Thrones! And Emma, too -- it gets overlooked sometimes by people who are crazy about Pride and Prejudice, but I think it deserves a lot of love! Enjoy your summer reading!


  21. Clockwork Angel & Insurgent are both amazing! I didn't really like Beautiful Disaster, but I hope you enjoy it more than I did :)
    Great list! Thanks for stopping by My TTT :)

  22. Great list! You must read Clockwork Angel and Insurgent they are two absolutely amazing books as you probably already know :)
    I also hope to read The Fault In Our Stars sometime soon.

    -Mari @ The Sirenic Codex

  23. I've seen so many people with The Infernal Devices on their list and it makes me so excited! Hope you enjoy :)

  24. Oh, the Fault in our Stars is a good pick. Remember the Kleenex box. Here is my TTT

  25. Amazing List. I have not read The Jane Austen Book Club yet, but I adore the movie.

  26. Omgosh! What an epic list! The Hobbit? A Game of Thrones? Clockwork Angel? The Fault in our Stars? Insurgent? Beautiful Disaster? All Amazing!! I hope you love them all and your other books! And good luck!!

  27. I have very mixed feelings about Beautiful Disaster; but then, then couldn't be too bad since I'm planning on reading the sequel. The Fault In Our Stars is amazing! Nice list & happy reading. :)

  28. Clockwork Angel :) oh how I adore this series!

  29. I read The Hobbit a few months ago. I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only person who hadn't read it already!
    Enjoy your summer reads!

  30. 'Clockwork Angel' is definitely a must. As is 'Insurgent'. I haven't read 'The Jane Austen Book Club' but I love the movie they made from it haha. Great List :)

  31. I loved the Fault in Our Starts and Insurgent. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. Thanks for visiting my TTT.

    LisaILJ @ I’ll Tumble for YA

  32. I really appreciated the story of The Fault in Our Stars, I cried buckets over that. And you just reminded me that I need to start on The Infernal Devices, I have all 3 books but I haven't bothered picking them up yet. Hahaha!

    Check out my TTT?

    Janus @ The Blair Book Project

  33. Ooh - Such a great list! I liked Clockwork Angel even better than the other series, Beautiful Disaster was an excellent beach read, and although I've seen a lot of criticism for it, I really liked Insurgent. Have fun reading all of those, and I love the background of your blog! Thanks for stopping by my list :-)

  34. I loved The Infernal Devices series. :) I think I am going to read The Hobbit this summer too!

  35. I think 'The Fault in our Stars' has to be my number 11; I really do need to get around to it soon :D

  36. Yay, A Game of Thrones! I hope you like it! The Hobbit is also great!

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

  37. Definitely read Beautiful Disaster as soon as possible, it's really awesome!

  38. Emma and The Jane Austen book club are on my expanded TBR list this summer.
    Also, The Fault in Our Stars is so good.

  39. OMG The Hobbit and Clockwork Angel! You have to read them :D Same goes for Insurgent ^^
    Emma is pretty good as well, it's been a while since I've read it. Game of Thrones is on my extended reading list of really long books I have to get to at some point ;) Love the TV show!
    I've only seen the movie for The Jane Austen Bookclub but based on that I think I'd enjoy the book :)
    Awesome list, enjoy all your picks! Thanks for stopping by mine earlier :)

  40. Clockwork Angel is a great book but beware though, the beginning is really slowwww. Although a lot of people disliked Insurgent, I thought it was an amazing sequel to Divergent! Hope you'll enjoy it too :)

  41. I read the Hobbit ears ago but was thinking of re-reading when the movie is finished. I have only reading 1 Cassandra Clare book but I really liked her writing. Have a great Summer of reading!
    Here is my Tuesday Post.

  42. I love The Infernal Devices series so I really hope you'll like the first installment. The Fault in Our Stars and Insurgent were two of my favorites last year! Happy reading this summer! :)
    Thanks for stopping by my post!

    ~Sara @ Forever 17 Books

  43. Great list with great titles!
    The Hobbit has been on my TBR forever so I hope you love it!
    Enjoy reading your list :)
