
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Stacking the Shelves (55)

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

From Edelweiss

Only one book for me this week, but boy does it look good! I am so in love with historical romances and this one looks like it's going to be an especially steamy, yummy story. I'm excited to get into it because I haven't read a historical romance in a while and I miss them!

That's it for me! What have you all added to your shelves this week?


  1. Ooo, a historical romance novel! I love historical romance. I just finished The Trouble With Being A Duke by Sophie Barnes (got it from Edelweiss) - it was so cute! I'll have to look this one up. I hope you enjoy it! ^_^

    Check out my STS post!

  2. Historical romances are always fabulous! Hope that you enjoy it :-)

  3. I don't read many historical romances but I hope you enjoy it.

    Tsuki @ Tsuki's Books

    Tsuki's STS

  4. I hope you enjoy this one. I usually don't read anything like this. :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  5. Ooh, it looks steamy! Hope you like it!

    Thanks for visiting my haul.

  6. Love her dress and hope you enjoy the read

  7. I love historical romance! There's just something so...delicious... about them. I can't get enough!

    Hope you enjoy!


  8. Hope you enjoy this, I haven't read any historical romance in so long! I'll have to check some out again :) Happy reading!

  9. Thanks for stopping by my STS! Great haul and happy reading!


  10. Love the cover. It is beautiful.
    Hope you enjoy reading your new book :)


  11. I haven't read a lot of Julia Quinn but I love Lisa Kleypas' Historical Romances.
    Hope you enjoy your book :)

    Rashika @ Tangled in Pages

  12. Firstly, thank you for visiting my blog.

    As a guy, I have to admit that historical romances of this type aren't really my bag. That said, I hope that you enjoy your book.


  13. I'm not big on historical romance, but I hope you love it!!!

  14. I'm not into steamy historical romance novels but enjoy your book! Thanks for stopping by my STS and have a nice day :3
