
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Southbank Book Market

This past Friday, some friends and I decided to go out to a bunch of markets around London. On that list just so happened to be the Southbank Book Market, an outdoor book market underneath Waterloo bridge. We had tried visitng last week when it was raining, but little did we know that the book market is closed when it rains or else the books get ruined. Why didn't we think of that? But I'm happy to report that Friday was a beautiful day and we were finally able to see the books!

The market ended up being a bunch of tables set up with books divided by genre. My favorite section was definitely the penguin books because they were arranged by color, which ended up looking so cool. I didn't find anything that I just had to have, but it was still fun looking around at all of the books. The books were still around 3 pounds each, which is about $4.50, so there wasn't anything I needed for that price. I definitely miss the dollar sale wall from Half Price Books! Haha, I guess I'm just used to being spoiled from my favorite store back home :)

And that's the book market! Hopefully I can find some other fun bookstores around the city that have some cheaper books that I can buy and bring home. It would be so fun to have some books from England on my bookshelf! 


  1. Awesome, I didn't know about this market! I'll definitely have to check it out when I got to London next months :D Arranging books by color is so cool!
    Other bookstores in London that I really like are Foyles and a store just off Picadilly that I think is called Hachette's. Plus there's a small secondhand bookstore in Camden Lock market that I like to dig around in when I'm there :)
    Enjoy the rest of your London time!

  2. Whilst you're here in England check out a book shop called 'The Works' they sell books off cheap, from 99p. Their standard offer though is £1.99 each or 3 for £5 (approx £1.68 each)
    They have a great selection too, loads of YA and Adult novels in a mix of genres.

    Hope you enjoy yourself in England.
