
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Snapshots from Ireland

That's right, I was in Ireland! This past weekend, me and a friend flew to Ireland for three days to explore Dublin and took a bus trip all the way through the country to the Cliffs of Moher. The whole trip is still surreal since I had not even been out of the country until almost a month ago. Did I really get to go to Ireland? Yes I did! And I am very pleased to report that Ireland was absolutely breathtaking and has now become my new favorite country :)

My favorite part of the weekend had to have been the bus trip we took on Sunday to the Cliffs of Moher. We left Dublin at 7am, stopped for a walking tour of Galway, made a few more stops at some castles and ruins along the countryside, and ended up at the Cliffs of Moher (where Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and The Princess Bride were filmed). There were so many cows, sheep, and horses all along the land and everything was so green and just beautiful. I spent the entire bus ride with my nose pressed against the glass, trying to take in everything I was seeing. I had no idea Ireland was that beautiful, and I'm already dreaming of going back and spending even more time in the country. 

And what else can make a trip a success than absolutely delicious food? For dinner on our first night in Dublin, I had a steak pie and it was so yummy. The dish was warm, savory, and my stomach was one bundle of joy when the meal was over. Then, for dessert, we stopped by a crepe store called Half Moon Crepes and my friend and I split the marshmallow crepe, which had nutella, marshmallow, and vanilla ice cream. It was huge and oh-so-delicious. So after a filling authentic Irish dinner and crepe dessert, I was definitely happy with the food selection Dublin had to offer. 

Last, but definitely not least, I had to make sure I had some good old Fish and Chips while I was in Ireland. There's an Irish Pub by my house where I always buy Fish and Chips from, so I wanted to have an authentic Irish version to compare. Of course, I completely loved it and thought the one I got in Dublin was even better than the one from home. Did I mention that this makes it four times I've gotten Fish and Chips since I've been abroad? Haha, you could say it's my favorite food :) My last meal in Dublin was the perfect way to end off an incredible weekend that I will never forget. 

Being abroad has been so amazing and I could not be more thankful for this experience. I've been able to do so much in London and now that I've visited Ireland, I can't wait to see what else the world has to offer. I'm off to the Harry Potter London Studio Tour on Friday and I am over the moon excited. I'm eagerly counting down the days, minutes, seconds, until I get to have yet another life changing experience on this trip. See you at Hogwarts!


  1. So jealous! Ireland is the place I want to go next when I am able to get out of the country again.

  2. Oh my gosh! I'm in southern England for the summer, and I've been considering a trip to Ireland, but the more I hear and see about it (as here in this post) the more I think I really should go!!

  3. I'm so glad that you've been having the time of your life over there! Seriously all of your posts make me miss the UK so badly. I was there for 7 weeks last summer. Anyways, I'm glad that you're having a blast and if you get the chance you should eat a 4 in 1 for me!

  4. Oh ma gosh so jealous :) the scenery is lovely and the food looks great. thanks for sharing.

  5. I'm so jealous! :) I've always wanted to go to Ireland and it is on my list of places to see. I love the beauty of its lands and the history. Ohh and the castles :) I'm glad you enjoyed Ireland and are planning to go back.

  6. Ireland is so pretty! And I've read enough books to fantasize my dream trip to that beautiful country. Glad that you're having the time of your life. :)

  7. Ohhh I'm so jealous! Ireland has been my #1 wishlist destination for pretty much my whole life. I've planned so many trips there but they always fall through for one reason or another. It sounds like you had an amazing time. The pics are gorgeous, and that food looks so good! Fish and chips is one of my favourite things too. ;-)
