
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Stacking the Shelves (51)

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

From Library Sale

The local library around where I go to school has a book sale on the first Saturday of every month and I picked up these three for only $5! I'm so excited for The Night Circus because I've heard awesome things about it and the other two just look like fun reads. I can't wait for the chance to get into them!

From Publisher

Ah, so many good books! I'm so excited to read the Vicky Dreiling and Jennifer Haymore books because I've been dying to read a good historical romance lately and I always love theirs. I already read The Language Inside and it was AWESOME. And just look at how gorgeous that cover is! The other four look like they're going to be really good too! I'd say it was a pretty good week for me :)

From Library

I'm so happy I got a copy of Just One Day from the library because all I've been hearing are phenomenal things about. I saw Love Letters  on someone's Top Ten Tuesday post this week (where the topic was fun, light reads) and it looked super cute. I am so excited to finally get into these two!

That's everything for me! What did you all add to your shelves this week? 


  1. Can't wait to read the Lurlene M book, hope you enjoy

  2. I really want to read The Night Circus! I also got Just One Day this week. Hope you enjoy your books!

  3. The night circus looks great. I like this cover edition :) Happy reading!


  4. I was a little apprehensive when I started The Night Circus because I wasn't sure if it would be my thing but I was completely wrong. It is one of the most extraordinary, beautiful books I've read and everyone I've spoken to about it has agrees. Hope you like it :)

  5. Jessica I probably mention this each time I visit your blog but I just love the pic that your currently using for your event button for Stacking The Shelves :) So pretty and I love the shade. I also love the pics that you have as your background.

    Anyhow, The Night Circus is absolutely fantastic! I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did :)

    My STS

    Have a great weekend!

  6. A great selection of books this week! I didn't enjoy The Night Circus as much as I hoped I would, but I hope you enjoy it. It seems to divide people. I really like the look of The Language Inside. I hope you enjoy your books! Thanks for stopping by my STS!

  7. Thanks for stopping by my STS! I received White Trash Beautiful too, sounds like it should make for an interesting read! I'd love to read Just One Day too, I hear Forman is an amazing writer. Happy reading!

  8. I'm really curious about Night Circus and I have a copy of Just One Day that I'm dying to read! Awesome haul :)

    My Haul!

  9. I keep trying to get to "the Night Circus". I noticed your teams down the side...

    Team Damon!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  10. I've heard such great things about The Night Circus. I may have to check it out sometime, I love circuses. :) I hope you enjoy everything that you've gotten!

    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  11. I loved Just One Day! I have The Night Circus, but have yet to read. Happy reading!

  12. You got some great books! There were a few I hadn't heard of in your list. I am looking forward to reading Just One Day soon.

  13. The night circus was nice, you had a lot of books, happy reading and enjoy!

    here is mine

  14. Thee butcher and the vegetarian sounds fun, happy reading!

  15. Library sales are the best! I really enjoyed The Night Circus. The Language Inside looks interesting. Happy reading! Thanks for stopping by my StS!
    -Natalie @Natflix&Books

  16. I loved The Night Circus! One of my favorites from 2012. :)

    My StS post

  17. I've also heard such great things about The Night Circus. I really need to get it myself. Great haul!! I hope you enjoy all of your goodies!! (Our local book sale is in July right near my birthday... I can't wait!!!! :D)

  18. The night Circus! I've also heard nothing but praise for that one, I really need to read it. Hope you like all of your books :D
    Old follower
    my STS

  19. Ooh nice haul!! Heard some good things on Night Circus! Gotta love a sale! Happy Reading!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  20. My friend LOVED the Night Circus. Hope you do too.

  21. Just One Day is brilliant! It's so good! Also I want to read The Night Circus too! I have it on my shelves. The shelves that are stacking!
    My STS

  22. What a lovely, inspiring haul of lovelies! Enjoy your books!

  23. Ooh, these look good! I've heard good things about The Night Circus and I want to read The Language Inside, too!

  24. Great haul! I've got White Trash Beautiful and I need to read it soon. I also need to get Just One Day because you're right- everone raves about it! Looking forward to hearing what you think!

    My STS

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  25. I've been meaning to read a Gayle Forman book for ages, I hope you enjoy this one! Thanks for stopping by my STS! x

  26. Sweet haul! The Night Circus is fabulous! Happy reading!
    Our Week in Books @Libby Blog

  27. Wow great finds at the library sale! I still need to read The Night Circus! I really enjoyed Just One Day (I love Gayle Forman) and can't wait to read Kindness for Weakness. I hope you love all of your books! Thanks for stopping by!

    Nicole @ The Quiet Concert

  28. Enjoy The Night Circus & the rest of these awesome books ! Great haul :)
    -Scott Reads It

  29. The Night Circus is awesome! I'm not familiar with The Language Inside and Kindness for Weakness but thanks to you, I now am! Thanks for dropping by my StS and happy reading! :D

  30. I'm excited about the new Dreiling book...can't wait to see what you think of it. I also want to read Just One Day. I've been on the waiting list at the library for more than a month for it.

    Happy reading!

  31. A lot of awesome books on your shelves. I also haven't read The Night Circus and all my bookworm friends are going to kill me for missing out on it's awesome-ness. Happy reading! Hope you enjoy them all!
    Thanks for stopping by my STS

  32. I'm really looking forward to The Language Inside! And I've heard mixed things about Just One Day but I loved Gayle Forman's previous books so hopefully I'll like this one too. Thanks for stopping by :)

  33. I have Just One Day, but I haven't gotten around to reading it. Hope you enjoy it!

    Great haul and thanks for stopping by!

  34. The Night Circus and Just One Day are so, so good! They impacted me on a really fundamental level.
    I haven't heard of most of the others, but I like the look of the Philippa Gregory book :)
    Happy reading, and thanks for stopping by! Sorry it took so long to get back to you :/
