
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Characters/Literary Figures I'd Name My Pet After

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Top Ten Characters/Literary Figures I Would Name My Pet After

This week we get to choose our own topic (or rewind as they called it), so I decided to do the one where you get to choose the top ten literary figures/characters you'd name your children after. I thought it sounded fun, but I decided to change it to pet because, well let's face it, would I really want my child to be named something bizarre just because I liked that character from the book? No. But I could get away having a fun name that means something to me for one of my pets! So here's the list...

1. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. I absolutely adored this book and Darcy is seriously one of the best heroes of a novel that I've ever read. One of my high school teacher's named her girl dog Darcy, which I thought was adorable! 

2. Noah from The Notebook. Oh how I love every single book written by Nicholas Sparks. But when Ryan Gosling brought Noah to life in the movie, I about died. He's definitely one of my favorite characters I've ever read about. 

3. Fitz after F Scott Fitzgerald. I loved The Great Gatsby I think shortening the author's last name to just Fitz would be a really cute name for a pet. 

4. Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights. This book was one of the first classics I actually remember loving in high school. I would just love having a little pet named after Heathcliff. 

5. Juliet from Romeo and Juliet. Yeah, yeah I know it's super cliche. But Shakespeare's play is such a classic and I just love the name Juliet. 

6. Daisy from The Great Gatsby. I just really loved this book! Haha, but I do think that Daisy would make a really cute name and it would remind me of the 20s, which is one of my favorite time periods. 

7. Charlie from The Perks of Being A Wallflower. Wow, I could not love a character more than I loved Charlie in this book. I could just imagine the pet being so sweet and curling up with me because that's just the type of personality Charlie has in this book. 

8. Jace from The Mortal Instruments. Not only do I really love this name, but I really love that series. 

9. Bellatrix from Harry Potter. Okay, so I hated her character in the book. But you've got to admit that is one cool name and she's pretty kick-butt in the movies. I would love to call my pet Belly for short. 

10. Luna from Harry Potter. I've always had a soft spot for Luna because she always has these funky outfits and she's just so cool. You never know what she's going to throw at you next and I love that about her character. 


  1. What a great list and a lot of cool names. I love the thought of a pet called Bellatrix!

  2. I love your list! Heathcliff and Bellatrix would totally rock for pet names. As for Darcy, I think I would even name my child Darcy, because that's not obsessive at all...

  3. Hahahaha, this list is awesome! I tend to name my pets after musicians, but maybe I'll have to rethink my stance on that next time around?!

    My TTT

  4. Love this topic and your list! My cat is named Peabody after Eve Dallas' partner in the In Death series, so I'm totally down with naming pets after characters. I love the idea of Luna - I'm totally keeping that in mind for the day I get a fluffy dog. ;)

  5. When you said Luna my mind went straight to Sailor Moon. Excellent cat name! I love this topic idea though. I'm not a huge animal person, but my cousin and I named my car Dimitri after the character from Vampire Academy...

    Samantha @ Reading-AndCoffee

  6. What a fantastic list! Especially 8-10. And I ADORE Nicholas Sparks- I think I died during The Notebook movie too:))
    My TTT

  7. Great list! Also really love the topic.
    Old follower
    my TTT

  8. I love your list, Jess! Bellatrix would be a good one, but I do think Luna would be better!

    Chelsey@Charming Chelsey's

  9. I really like the names you picked, especially Noah & Luna!


  10. Love your list. I like the names you picked. Heathcliff... so good! And I'm so glad you chose Noah from The Notebook. I love that book! haha
    My TTT

  11. I have a dog named Charlie, but he wasn't named by me. I would name a pet Heathcliff or Fritz!

  12. My BFF named her cat Fitzgerald, The Great Catsby! =)
