
Friday, March 29, 2013

Follow Peace Love Books via Bloglovin

Okay, so I don't know what the whole deal with Google Reader is and how it's shutting down, but I do know that people are having freak outs all over the web. I'm not sure if Google Reader is at all connected at all with GFC, but if my GFC followers were deleted, I think I would cry. 

It's been almost two years since I've started this blog and I have put my heart and soul into it. Now, I've grown to 1,464 GFC followers and 809 twitter followers. I am absolutely floored by how much love there is out there in the book blogging world and I could not be luckier to be a part of it. That being said, I'm really worried what Google Reader means to my followers and those who read my blog. So, I've decided to join bloglovin'! I'm sure almost all of you have heard of it, but if not, it's just another way to follow blogs and keep track of your blog list all in one place. So if you want to follow Peace Love Books that way, go ahead and click the widget below!

Follow on Bloglovin

You can also follow by pressing the little bloglovin' icon that's directly below my GFC followers. And, you can always follow on Twitter or via email if you wish! I just want to make sure the end of Google Reader has no negative effects on my blog or my readers. Okay, that's all from me! Thank you all for being such amazing readers and I can't wait for many more amazing years to come :)

1 comment:

  1. I went with Bloglovin' too but like you, I really hope they don't get rid of GFC...that would be a pain. And Google+ followers isn't as good as GFC either *sigh*

    Anyways,already following you via Bloglovin' as well :)

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows
